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Oakland High School

Same entry as my xanga...

May 31 2006

There's this Live Action show called Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon that I looked up on YouTube. I'm telling ya, I was hooked on all 49 episodes. I almost cried at the end...

It's basically taking the Cartoon Sailormoon (which was originally Japanese) and using Real people as the Sailor Soldiers (Japanese women). It's very different from the cartoon, so if you like Sailormoon then maybe you should look it up!

I hate it when things end. Whether if it's video games, or TV series or whatever. I don't like being sad. And of course, it's ALWAYS sad.

I mean look at Phantom of the Opera. Both the Phantom and Raoul lose the person they love. Plus, the Phantom never gets the chance to truly be with someone.

Look at The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! The family separates, going to different places in their lives.

Same as in Boy Meets World! Everyone splits up and moves on.

Cheers! Well...I haven't watched any episodes of Cheers, but just watching the Title Song makes me sad.

It's like when a show ends, we close off a part of our lives in which we were able to find happiness for short period of time.

It's like the show is someone who dies. Someone who made you laugh, made you inspired, made you angry, made you cry. And now it's over.

But I guess that's a part of growing up.

Maybe the reason parents want us as young'uns to stop watching so much TV is because we get hooked into people Fantasy lives, and when we finally get out, it's hurts.



Neh. That can't be the reason.

Well I tried.



June 01 2006
*tear*...that was beautiful danny. when we all gradutate it's going to be ten times worse because, well it's in real life. they make things look so easy on tv....

Sarah Vermillion

June 01 2006
Interesting point.<br><br>By the way, you have to tell me where you found this show. I want to see at least one episode of it!