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Oakland High School

Feats and Aspirations

May 24 2006


3x and I got it on videocamera!

We had section leader workshops today, and I think I'm gonna be the only clarinet section leader. Which is good and bad. I think that I am ready though.

We watched the Blue Devils perform the show we are gonna do for marching season, and it was completely awesome. Well....actually, I was mostly watching the guard.

I wanna be on a guard. And I plan to be on one. As quickly as possible. The bad part is, if I hurt myself (like a broken finger or something) then it's gonna affect my clarinet playing. Which will be bad.

I need a singing teacher. Maybe I should take Erin's offer...

Congrats on our new drum major: Emily Hall. I was rootin' for you since day one.

Marching band is gonna be fun: heat, the people, the music, going shirtless, having fun.



May 24 2006
im gonna be on weapons line &i cant even do one.. but Y0U can. whore.! :] yeah yeah, keep practicing is what youre thinking.. eh, oh well. ill get one eventually.


May 24 2006
aw, danny, you are going to be an awesome section leader. i can't wait until band starts!! lol! see ya tomorrow.


May 24 2006
heck yes! this season is gonna be a blast


May 24 2006
would you kindly remind me what my offer is?

Sarah Vermillion

May 25 2006
Danny shirtless? I'll be camping out on the sidelines! :p Just kidding. I don't think I would sit out on asphalt in the blazing heat to watch ANY muscle-y guy.


May 25 2006
of course you must be the best. your danny, if you work half as hard at voice as you do clarinet, you will be the bomb with or without my madre.

Ben Moser

May 26 2006
its funny to think about it now, but i had a small crush on heather earlier this year. i just noticed her in your profile photo.