We lost, but at least we have class

January 06 2006

I think I've lost all respect for the Oakland student body. 

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

January 06 2006
Explain, what happened?

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

January 06 2006
Eh. No fun. Is a shame they couldnt just win and be happy and jump up and down while leaving. Oh well. Everyone does stupid crap sometimes, I guess.

Jessica Sanders

January 07 2006

kelsey shearron

January 07 2006
i agree. its so sad. but its really good that we won..he he...uh. sorry

Beth Farrar

January 07 2006
i didn't go...what happened??

justin daniels

January 07 2006
And that's why I hate a lot of the people I attend class with. Give our school a bad name. Yeah I go to OHS. Didn't go to the game though,and wouldn't dare participate in a damn riot like thing if I did.

Beth Farrar

January 08 2006
that's just mean. c'mon they had already won did they really need to rub it in and ruin our fun at the same time??


January 08 2006