♥...blue eyes...♥


Relationship Status





March 04 2008

Are you happy that you met the person who posted this before you?
uh duh

Do you like orange juice?
eh it hurts my tummy...:P

Reason behind the last time you threw up?
sickness...but i don't remember when it was

Do you have unlimited texting?
no i have super limited!!!  which means no texting!!!  YEAH!  not.

Has anyone lied to you today?

probably but if they lied in the first place, why would they tell me???  tha's stupid.

What kind of shampoo do you use?
uh...some neutrogena stuff.  it smells bad.

How many myspace friends do you have?
a big fat ZERO

Isn't it a little late for you to be up?
um no it's only 9 o clock, homie.  gosh.

What song made you cry last?
i don't remember for they are few and far between. 


Who was the last person to abuse your trust?
i am not real sure...i don't think anyone has...and if they did i don't have a reason to bring it back up.  it's the past! 

How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
like 3 or more usually...fun

Do you like ring pops?
yeah they are the biggest rock i will ever have on my finger!

What do you think when you look in the mirror?
ewww what's that

What does your hair look like right now?
wet and curly...ish

What's your favorite brand of crackers?
AUSTIN!!!  lol

Last time you snuck out?
well....not ever

What's the reason behind why you last cried?
um i was at church and the sermon made me cry.  it was awesome

Ever dated anyone in your top 4?
i ain't not never ever dated no one

Do you like bananas?
um this is a freakin random question.  yes, i happen to quite enjoy the banana.

Do you try in school?
um sometimes.  but most of the time i don't have to.