♥...blue eyes...♥


Relationship Status





January 27 2008

Gender? girl

Age? 14
Where do you live? in a house

Only child? no
Have any sisters? no sisters

What about brothers? yeah i have one
Do you like your name? it's kinda wierd, to be honest
Are your parents in love? i would think so, yes

Who is your favorite family member? i don't have one really

Do you live in a house or trailer? a house

Are you straight,gay,or bi? i am straight...but that question is gay.  lol

Who are 3 of your best friends? Grace, Tyler and way too many more like Megan and Keri and Hallie and lots of other people

Yes or No

Are you in love? Yes
Do you want to get married? Yes
Do you want to have children? i don't know really

Do you have any pets? a few

Do you drive? not yet thankfully

Can you drive a stick? no i can't drive at all, silly!

Can you swim? sure
Ever been drunk? no thanks

Have you been arrested? a few times!!! lol j/k

Ever had detention? no

Ever been Suspended? NO!


Do you use birth control?um no this is an odd survey.

What color shirt are you wearing? a brown one

What are you wearing? clothing
What color of underwear do you have on? uh go away.

Have you ever been punched? yeah a few times

Ever been in a fight? verbal, not physical

Do you smoke? naw dawg
Drink? water, yes 
Do you like to read? of course!

Favorite book? Twilight and New Moon and Eclipse

Favorite Movie? the Princess Bride

Favorite tv Show? Gilmore Girls
Favorite band/singer? i don't know that's hard!

Favorite song? i don't know i don't waste time on stuff like that

Do you like cheese? i love cheese!!!!

Have any nicknames? actually, for the first time, YES
Do you like broccoli? sometimes
Fav alcoholic beverage? i don't know

Fav. non-alcoholic beverage? white grape juice!!!

What superhero would u be? .....spiderman.

Dream Car? something that runs.

Have you ever stolen anything? i don't know probably
Do you lie alot? not really.
When was the last time you lied? i don't remember...it's the past, let it go.
Who did you kiss last? ain't never kissed nobody.

Who was the last person you called? i think grace

Last person to call you? i dont know

Opposite/same gender
Hair color: whatever's cute
Eye Color: green, but that's unlikely
How tall? a few inches taller than me, actually, i prefer over 6 foot.

Redneck or Prep? it doesn't matter.  just cool

Whats the first thing you notice? eyes and hands

Do you make the first move? not typically, but it looks like i'm going to have to pretty soon
Money or love? Love, DUH
Looks or Personality? personality, but don't get me wrong.  they can't be ugly or something 
Would you kiss on the first date? probably not.  maybe on the cheek
Beyond Random

Where are your keys? i ain't got no keys, homie 
Most overused phrase? what's poppin' homie and dangflabit

Are you married? no i don't think!  lol
Name someone you love: i love the world........ ;)
Who is your #1? i don't have one
Who is your #2? seeing as i don't have a number one, do you think i would have a number 2????!!!!???? (gosh you're stupid.)
Can you roll your tongue? i dont think so because i've tried.
Can you whistle? sadly, no.

Can you blow bubbles? yeah i can

Why did you do this survey? i'm bored and i think they're fun...and i have a lot of time to waste.

Did You enjoy it? it's not over but i've enjoyed most of it, thus far.

What did you do first thing this morning? breathe

Do you like Bush? whatever...sure

Do you believe in God? uh yeah

What should you be doing right now? um nothing.

What do you wish you were doing right now? i don't know

What time is it? like 1:45 ish

Are you glad this is over? sure whatever
What are your plans now? going to valentine's banquet practice and then church and then seeing some cool people and eating. ;)