♥...blue eyes...♥


Relationship Status





August 10 2007

i'm overjoyed.  i don't know why i just am...can't really describe it but it feels really good..."bubbly"!  but anyway i think i am getting eclipse my mom was just at the store place and i think she bought it.  i'm super duper excited about tomorrow...mostly.  but that's another story!!!!  what's poppin with all you coolio kiddo's?  this week has gone by so quickly it's not even funny...but i'm glad it's the weekend.  i wish i had something to do tonight but i don't...O WELL!!!  i'm going to virginia in like 6 or 7 weeks!!!  i'm kinda excited but kinda not really.  i'm ready for something interesting (good, of course) to happen to me!  i guess my time will come.  this is really REALLY random.  okay bye


August 09 2007
ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

well my week has been LOVELY.  and i can tell you i'm lovin it right now.  i really wish things would stay like this but i'm pretty sure they won't.  well me and my happy self are gonna...go do something.  OKAAAY!  well buh bye



August 08 2007
k i think i'm going with whisper which i absolutely fell in love with the first time i saw it!  oh the story is about a girl and a horse and that's all i'm sayin cuz this one needs a little work.  it's one of my "early literary compositions" and let's just say it's a bit mediocre.  okay so i'm going with whisper and i'm also gonna go scream with  happiness.  goodbye


August 08 2007

okay y'all...i don't know if you remember but a little while back i started on a story and was posting a little on here every day but then i stopped.  well i'm gonna start that again i think.  oh and i was working on another before that but my problem (that still stands) is i have no name for the character...or a title for the story.  so right now i refer to it as "Untitled No Namer".  Here is a list of names I really like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me feedback as to which ones you like too.  THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH

List of names for story:

Aveline, Aspasia, Arden

Baylee, Bethwyn, Blaise


Dakota, Daveigh, Destiny

Ester (Esther), Eulalie

Faylinn, Felicity




Jenibelle, Jessimae

Kayanna, Kayleigh

Laurelin, Leilani, Lilianna, Lorelei

Macyn, Mahina, Marlee

Natalia, Norelle


Palila, Passion, Phailin


Raeanne, Randilyn, Rosalyn

Serenity, Satine





Zabrina, Zafirah, Zandeleigh


woo :)

August 07 2007

well this is a quiz with questions you aren't normally asked on those quiz things.  here goes.


1. When you are talking to someone, what is the topic that usually comes up in conversation?  feet or hands.  (man hands!!!)

2. When listening to the radio, what is the station that yours is usually set to?  probably like 107.5 or 103.3...woo

3. Have you ever given spare change (or counterfeit) money to a hobo?  no i don't think

4. How do you order your coffee?  Or do you even drink it?  i usually get a tall iced mocha-blended (oh yeah dark chocolate) with extra whipped cream and chocolate...sometimes half-caff

5. What is the longest you have ever slept?  probably like 14 or 15 hours after drama camp.  i was so tired!

6. When you do a kartwheel, which hand do you start on?  my left...which is funny because i'm right-handed!  :P

7. Do you have any collections?  yes i collect porcelain dolls...people say that's kinda freaky but i think they're pretty.

8. Do you happen to know how many keys are on a full-size piano?  How many?  there's 88

8. Approximately how many CD's do you own? probably 130 or so.

9. Among those, are any Madonna, Britney Spears, N'Sync or Backstreet Boys?  How many?  um yeah i think i have 2 britney...2 N'Sync and like 4 BSB

10. How many pictures does your memory card for your camera hold?  i think like 600 or so...eh

11. How many songs, approximately of course, do you know WORD for WORD?  probably...i don't know that's a stupid question.  seriously, how am i supposed to keep track of that?

12. About how many pictures do you take of yourself daily?  too many probably

13. How many pair of shoes do you own...but how many of them do you ever wear?  i own like 30 or 40 but i only wear like 7...maybe

14. How long can you hold your breath under water?  i don't know like 30 seconds or something

15. What would you compare the smell of apple pie to?  huh?  like apple pie duh!

16. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day..." comes from what famous poet's sonnet?  umm is this like a game show?  Shakespeare

17. In football what is the role of the quarterback?  heck if i know!

18. Did you take the time to notice that there were 2 number 8's on this trivia quiz?  BE HONEST.  yeah i did

19. What is your shoe size?  11 women's 9 men's

20. Would you ever go deep sea diving?  it really depends...hmmmm

21. How many WPM can you type?  well sometimes it's real high but on average i just type like 80-like 86.

22. How many times do you use the word I in one day? um...way too many.

23. What is your goal in life?  to be a better person, go to college, sing, and be married and have kids

24. How many tests did you fail when you were in school?  like only 4.  but i made a couple d's in pre-al

25. How much water do you drink on a daily basis?  NOT enough.  but a considerable amount

26. What's your favorite color?  ORANGE

27. What's your favorite fabric?  i like leather cuz of the way it smells but i don'tlike wearing it...and i like cashmere because it's soft!  but i'd have to say spandex!  NO WAY...j/k.  i like cotton i guess

28. Who's your favorite comedian?  don't really care

29. What's your favorite brand of batteries?  prolly rayovac.

30. And finally, how much time do you waste filling these stupid things out?  TOO MUCH TIME!!!  but they're fun. :P


crank dat soulja boi

August 06 2007
this has a couple wordy dirds in it but i think it's super funny to watch white guys try to be supa fly...lol.  well enjoy!


August 05 2007

well yesterday i went to paintball...NO i didn't play.  duh!  oh and if you ever try to get me to play, don't shoot yourself in the foot cuz it won't work and it will just cause you pain.  :P

but anyway, some guy called me and grace twins...he really thought that!!!!  and it's kinda starting to freak me out...we have this telepathic thing...freaky.  i really miss my friends...that's the thing i hate about high school.  oh yeah i went to the football game thing on friday night...kinda fun.  gosh there was so much i was gonna say but i just forgot...oh well!  when i remember i'll tell ya. 

~carmen luvs austin~


oh yeah i think i'm gonna be in the miss fairest of the fair competition...not sure yet


August 04 2007

i love it when you look at me....

because i know that for one second i crossed your mind...


discover the diaphragm

August 03 2007
so....in choir today we had to "discover our diaphragm".  i thought it sounded kinda funny!  we had to pant like dogs to do so!  i also thought that was kinda funny!  well our teacher/director is pretty dang funny himself.  and so is his wife!  i am so glad it's the weekend...i can't wait 'till tomorrow!!!  oh and tyler a senior asked me to sit with him today so booyah!  and i'm about to leave to go to the football game in a few minutes so if anyone wants to talk to me feel free to do so...quickly.  okay there is really no point to this "thought" i just liked "DISCOVER YOUR DIAPHRAGM."


August 02 2007

okay so today i had an "audition" for choir.  it's for placement in the proper section...blah blah blah.  well the response i got from the brilliant mrs. freeman was surprisingly...good!  i thought i would get some critiquing but i didnt...that kinda scares me but it makes me really happy!  she said i had a HUGE range...which is true.  and she said she could tell who my mother was.  but i'm not a soprano like her like they thought!  i can't wait till next year because i want to be in concert choir really badly!  oh yeah and i think i'm auditioning for the musical if possible...i REALLY want to do that.  i love musical theatre...it's so dang fun!  oh yeah...i'm confused.  i say that all the time because i feel like that a lot.  but i haven't been confused over the summer, but now that school's here and i'm seeing some of the people i used to talk to and stuff i'm wondering who i really want in my life.  that sounds funny!  i've made a new friend and she's really nice...she said she knew tyler and i figured out where i knew her from...so cool!  well anyway i'm kinda tired so i guess that's all.


photo from PianoGrl13

10 worst lyrics ever

August 02 2007

Number 10:

"If I was a sculptor
But then again, no"
--Elton John's 'Your Song'
(lyrics by Bernie Taupin)
Well, then stop bringing it up already! This line has been wasting our time for three decades.
 Number 9:"I love you like
A fat kid loves cake"

--50 Cent's '21 Questions'
Gangsta, schmangsta -- brotha should write Hallmark cards.
 Number 8:"There were plants
And birds
And rocks
And things"

--America's 'Horse With No Name'
Like in New York, nouns are scarce in the desert, and apparently our poor soft rockers simply ran out of them. Too bad they didn't consult Michael Stipe: "There were plants and birds and rocks and prouds."

Number 7:

"Time is like a clock
in my heart"

--Culture Club's 'Time (Clock of the Heart)'
Awesome analogy. Time is soooo like a clock, because, well, it's freakin' time!
 Number 6:"I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel"

--Natalie Imbruglia's 'Torn'
(lyrics by Anne Preven)
Can you say filler line? Like, oh, we get it, this is how you feel -- because it's been so darn long since you told us how you were all out of faith.
 Number 5:"Now you're amazed
By the VIP posse
Steppin' so hard
Like a German Nazi"

--Vanilla Ice's 'Play That Funky Music'
Dude took the original song's "white boy" lyrics a little too literally. Good thing he specified German though, because those Austrian Nazis were way too light on their feet.


 Number 4:"Your butt is mine"
--Michael Jackson's 'Bad'
The worst opening line in pop history. However, we hear it's huge in Dubai.


Number 3:

"I don't like cities
But I like New York
Other places
Make me feel like a dork"

--Madonna's 'I Love New York'
So, so true. Which is of course why Paris is so famously known as the City of Dorks.


Number 2:"War is stupid
And people are stupid"

--Culture Club's 'War Song'
Boy George again, and this time he's illin' like Bob Dylan. We wrote a song just like this in seventh grade, but the next line was, "And your mom is stupid."


Number 1:"Coast to coast
L.A. to Chicago"
--Sade's 'Smooth Operator'
Sade was born in Nigeria and grew up in London, but her biggest hit reveals that she's clearly not a smooth navigator.


August 01 2007
well today was my first day of freakin high school.  i only have ONE class with one of my friends in it and you know what i am not liking life too much at the moment.  but i love my geography teacher...and pretty much all my teachers except for the one that teaches geometry...she reminds me of hitler and my geography teacher really looks like brock off of that show reba and he coaches football....and girls softball.  i'm not excited about choir because we are only singing in unison, there is not a single guy in it-no low voices at all!  and i'm not really sure that those girls sing that well...i know some don't.  i love the teachers though i've known them forever and of course they know me because...yup you guessed it...everyone knows my mother.  :P  i am so mad right now i don't even want to think about waking up tomorrow and this morning i almost cried but i didn't because no good could come from that.  i hate this so much...but i hope it gets better.  i miss my friends.


July 31 2007

hola kiddo's!  i'm at my mom's work and i am bored...SO BORED.  but this computer is so NICE!!!  It's like a 16-or-so inch flatscreen.  well i don't have too much else to say.  just thought i would say that i want this computer so bad.  and i want lunch.  and i want to STOP reading now.  and i want my friends.  i want a lot of stuff.


why not

July 30 2007

1. How do you feel about the second to last person you kissed? i've never kissed anyone

2. What's bothering you right now? there are a lot of things bothering me but mostly myself is bothering me

3. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
      NO i have never kissed anyone
4. What is in your wallet?
capital one...no j/k money and pictures

5.What is on your computers background
lots and lots of people

6. Background on your cell phone?
 don't have one dang it
7. Next time you will kiss someone?
  i don't know when i will kiss someone i guess when i feel like it gosh

8. Where your default picture was taken?
   um...courtney and candace's

9. Eyes:
10. Life: sucks sometimes 

11. House:
    small and kinda cool i guess

12. Doing this weekend?
   going to paintball woo
13. Wearing?
 um....you don't need to know.  :P

i'm still in my jammies!

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?

15. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
        i would have austin

16. Listening to?
  nothing right now...which is odd 

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?
no that would be strange

18. What do you smell like?
   um...i smell like herbal essences shampoo and conditioner and my deodorant...peaches..yum.  it smells so good!
19. Eating?
 um  pb&j and chips

20. On your bed, what is your favorite thing?
   i don't have stuff on my bed except covers and pillows...wooopty dooo

23. Do you remember your dreams?
    yeah.  i think i'll tell you one.  well in real life my cousin told me that people with jacked up teeth kiss better and so that night i had a dream that austin got braces and i cried.  I CAN'T CONTROL MY DREAMS

24. Do you burn easily in the sun?
 yes i do...gosh i'm so pale! 

25. Have you ever been gambling?
 you don't need to know that
26. What's something you wish you could understand better?
      love...and math
27. What did you do last weekend?
     um...shopping and a movie

28. Who do you miss?
       i miss...TYLER
29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
   i don't know...i don't normally hug that many girls
30. Orange or apple juice?
   apples and orange juice..yum

31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
32. What was the last text message?
 probably something around "you're a nerd"

33. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
     no i don't have a myspace

34. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
     I HATE TOMATOES  i don't eat them

36. What was the last thing you drank?

37. Whose house did you go to last night?
  well i didn't go in but i WENT to grace's house

38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
      um...........i don't remember
39. Do you like someone right now?
     love like yes 

40. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?
 jeans all the way

41. What is the last movie you watched? With who?
       HAIRSPRAY grace

42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
  root beer gingerale and WATER
43. What are you excited about?
    nothing at the moment
44. Do you want someone you can't have?
         yes i do very much so and i wonder when it's gonna make it through their thick skull

45. Who was last to slap your butt?
     i don't know people better not slap my butt or i'll be slappin something of theirs a lot harder

46. Where was the last place you went?
       uh i don't remember
47. What's on your mind right now?
        austin...and school...scary

48.have you cried recently?
   yeah just a few mins ago actually

49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
 it will go the other way?
50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
yeah i guess so but i wouldn't call it a habit well maybe but it's a good one


July 30 2007

i want to punch something.


July 29 2007

so i have had a fun two days!  on saturday i went shopping with a friend (grace) and today after church i went and saw hairspray!  it was a lot better than i expected.  it got me all hyped-up for the musical at our school...I CAN'T WAIT!  well anyway the REALLY super fun part was during the credits when i got the urge...to get up and DANCE!  so i did and oh my gosh it was so fun...i would do it again in a heartbeat.  i was laughing so hard and it felt good just to be crazy!  (i am anyway but whatev)...so yeah!  i'm kinda feeling better about school but tomorrow i will probably not be on very much because i HAVE to read.  i haven't finished my books and i realized this morning "SCHOOL STARTS ON WEDNESDAY OH MY HOLY GOSH!"...so yeah.  that's about all

~carmen luvs austin~
photo from


July 27 2007

*-he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar... :(-*


July 27 2007
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Stability |||||||||| 33% Orderliness |||| 16% Accommodation |||||||||||| 43% Interdependence |||||||||||||| 56% Intellectual |||||||||||| 43% Mystical |||||| 30% Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Religious |||||||||||||||| 70% Hedonism || 10% Materialism |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 63% Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 56% Work ethic || 10% Self absorbed |||||||||||| 50% Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70% Need to dominate |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Romantic |||||||||||||| 56% Avoidant |||||||||||| 50% Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 63% Wealth |||||||||||| 50% Dependency |||||||||| 36% Change averse |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Cautiousness |||||||||||| 43% Individuality |||||||||| 36% Sexuality || 10% Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||| 76% Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||||||| 84% Histrionic |||||||||||||||||| 76% Paranoia |||||||||||| 50% Vanity |||||||||||||||| 63% Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 63% Indie |||| 16% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

i figured i would be a copy cat here because this is kinda fun

trait snapshot:

craves attention, messy, open, rash, irritable, likes large parties, low self control, weird, fragile, does not like to be alone, emotionally sensitive, worrying, depressed, heart over mind, does not respect authority, dependent, not rule conscious, not good at saving money, more interested in relationships than intellectual pursuits, likes to fit in, very social, frequently second guesses self, phobic, suspicious, not careful, outgoing, vain, compassionate, aggressive, likes to make fun, hates to losewow i like how they called me weird...thanks


July 26 2007

oh my

July 26 2007
well...i didn't realize how blonde my hair actually was!  it looks more like we dyed it than we highlighted it...but i think it looks ok!  oh i did some research and i found out that my height is estimated to be anywhere from 5'9" to 5'11 1/2"...AAAH!  but who knows?  what's crackalackin with you fun kiddo's?  i'm kinda not scared about highschool anymore but i kinda am...it's so big and i get lost very easily and i'm not good with directions!  i'm also very scared i'm gonna get mugged in the bathroom or something....*shivers*.  so far the only thing i'm looking forward to in highschool is choir...and graduation.  OH YEAH and french..i want to take french class.  WOOO...woo.  i think i might actually get to take ballet!  but i would be a little late for youth group if i did... :(.  i wouldn't be really late just kinda.  i should probably go finish those books i was supposed to read...cuz i haven't yet!  bad carmen...hopefully i will get english 2nd semester but i want all my harder classes in the first semester...rawr.  okay well that's really all the thoughts i have right now


July 25 2007

i FINALLY got my highlights done!!!  it's really blonde...wow.  i do NOT feel very well...i can't breathe!  i didn't sleep lastnight...i think i'm an insomniac because that happens to me a WHOLE lot...what's up with you fun kiddo's?  OH i wrote a poem in my time of not-sleeping lastnight...i think i remember it...

Love is...kissing the sky

touching a heart,

holding a hand,

caressing a thought,

Love is...thinking of you

wondering why,

your words broke my heart,

when you said goodbye,

Love's...an immaculate impulse,

a bittersweet notion,

the feeling inside you,

more than an emotion,

Love is...the feeling I have,

the feeling you don't,

I keep saying you will,

But my heart says you won't,

Love is...a push and a pull

A tight joint effort,

Knowing you can face,

Everything together...


well that's about all...remember-life's too short to not have fun!


just some random thoughts

July 24 2007

well.......i'm dealing with a lot right now.  stuff i really don't like dealing with...but i guess you don't ever really like problems, huh?  my uncle and his family left today.  i am so scared of high school...oh speaking of high school i think i might end up going to creekwood instead of DCHS...yup.  i would be fine if i just stopped life right here and fast forwarded to when i'm out of college...i don't think i've ever been so scared in my entire life.  and i don't have too many friends left to go through this with.  i think i might give up phusebox for good now...if you haven't noticed, i'm just typing whatever pops into my head...except for some things because i don't want to offend anyone.  maybe i should just say it...naaaah.  all this seems to be doing is frustrating me.  i miss a lot of people...like my best friend and keri and megan...but i miss people that i still see a lot too...i miss the way they used to act, the way it used to be.  but i guess everyone's changing and that's something i just have to deal with.  but i don't want to lose the few friends i have left.  i'm tired of it and i wish there was something i could do to stop it but there's not, is there?  well...je suis dans l'amour...and it's making me confused!

I get carried away by the look by the light in your eyes
Before I even realize the ride I'm on baby I'm long gone
I get carried away

Nothin' matters but bein' with you
Like a feather flyin' high up in the sky on a windy day,

I get carried away...




July 22 2007
i've had a bit of a crazy week but i've DEFINITELY learned something from it.  God is faithful through it ALL!!!  My uncle and his family arrived safely from TX and let me tell you his daughters are SOOOO beautiful.  Okay well back to my other story.  God has proven so much to me this week.  I didn't really understand the power of prayer or being saturated in the Spirit.  Prayer is probably our greatest force as Christians.  I always wondered why when I asked for something it didn't always happen.  Part of it was because I didn't need that at the time and probably because I wasn't humble in asking it.  I realized that when you become humble and broken in front of the Lord he sees it.  You can't ask for things out of selfish ambition or whathaveyou; it has to be from a "broken and contrite heart".  And I learned also that to get an answer from the Lord, you have to listen.  Not with your ears but from your heart.  God has done a work in me lately and I think I'm gonna try and do a little in return.  I think there was so much going on in the past few weeks that I realized that no person could help me here; I had to turn to God.  In fact, about 2 months ago, I was at a Gospel Lights concert at our church.  One of our family friends came up and told me that there were going to be some things in my life in the next few weeks that I would have to go to God-He had spoken to him.  Of course, my initial reaction was 'ok'...but inside my head I was thinking "How does he know what's gonna happen in my life he doesn't really know me he hardly speaks to me!"  But it looks like he was right.  OH YEAH good news.  For those of you that didn't know, our church has been looking for a pastor for a little over a year now.  Well tonight we had a vote...there were 202 people there.  198 of them voted YES for the new candidate.  It only took two thirds of the "membered" congregation to vote him in and we had a 98% positive vote!!!  I am so happy.  well i'm done now.


July 20 2007
i had an interesting day.  i got my nails and toes done and they look purty!!!  i went to a birthday party for my cousins and i had a lot of fun.  i hung out with grace a lot of the time..and she took pictures.  i'm finding that i'm becoming more and more like my mother every minute...i'm just the life of the party, so it seems.  which can be both good and bad.  tonight it was pretty good.  me and lane won the little dance competition thing...and we got some socks.  (practical presents!)  this day is not as fun when i write it down!!  well i am tired and have no one to talk to right now so i guess i'm gonna go.  Oh YEAH i bought some CUTE shoes today and oh my gosh they were only seven bucks!!!  HECK YES!!!  i am so awesome...okay well...bye

when you're gone...

July 19 2007
this song makes me cry...especially the part with the old man.  and the woman with the husband in the war.  omg but it's great.  i'm not particularly a big avril fan but i love this song.  i miss you...