
April 24 2006
So is it weird if a girl asked a guy to hang out? Some think it is, but I don't want to miss a chance with someone or wait around for nothing. But then I don't want rejection. I also don't want to make things awkward. Hmm...

Ben Moser

April 24 2006
i wouldnt ask him out, but i would let him know about your feelings and your desire for a relationship.

beth cooper

April 24 2006
well you can ask him to hang out, i mean its not a date then. maybe include other people too. so to answer your question its not wierd to ask him to hang out, cuz your not neccessarily asking him out, your just hangin out with see what im saying? cuz im not even sure if i understand what im saying. sounded good in my head though. lol ahhhh, so excited about tomorrow!!!!!

Eric Bean

April 24 2006
It depends on the guy. You should probably consider how this specific person would feel about that more than a general rule.