
April 08 2006

I love storms, they are sooo cool and mysterious.


April 03 2006
So, I like this guy and I want to ask him if he wants to hang out or something, but I don't know if that would be weird. I also don't want to ruin the friendship we have or make it awkward. hmm...quite puzzling.

Track meet

April 01 2006

So, track meet today. I didn't run so well in the two mile, ran well in the one mile, and I wiped out in the 300 meter hurdles. My whole left side is scratched up...fun. And I am hungry, but there isn't really any food in our house.

My Car is Back!

March 30 2006

So my car is back and I am happy about that. That is about all I have to say.

Car Troubles =(

March 27 2006
So today, after I ran at Barfield and played with a two year old (almost three she told us) on the playground, Megan and I went to get my car inspected. While we were waiting in line the people around us were trying to get my attention, but it freaked us out so we ignored them. Then they got other people around us to get our attention to tell us that my antifreeze was leaking everywhere. There was so much of it. So I was stuck in the middle of the line with antifreeze everywhere and no way to get out. I had to drive up to the inspection person and I was freaking out and they let me go straight threw to get the Firestone place downtown. But Megan and I took it in then walked to her mom's work, went out to lunch with her and then she took me home. But you might ask how bad the car is, lets jsut say $850 worth of bad (and thats with the employee discount!)

Spring Break

March 25 2006
So, I am finally on spring break with only two more months left of school. Well I am not doing anything but running and sitting at home this week, so call me if you want to do anything! Though, I only have $6...eek!


March 11 2006
Boredom...the downfall of any great idea...


February 17 2006

 +  =

I am actually jsut goofing around, I liked the pictures so I posted them, by the way, I drew them all :)

I'm Ganster!

January 19 2006
So I was watching MTV yesterday, just to chill and enjoy my snow day. Well this ganster on My Own said Fo shizzle Mo nizzle. I was like "Snap! I say that!" So yah, I am officially ganster, I just need a ganster name.

You Know your parents are getting old when...

January 13 2006

You know when your parents are getting old when...

...Their breathe smells like old people even right after they brush their teeth.

...You whisper something in your mom's ear in chruch, she turns her head and shouts, "Say it again in my good ear!"

...Your mom gives you her pads and tampons and tell you she won't be needing them anymore.

...They buy a new car, but instead of having the new car small, it smells like old man farts.

...They laugh at life insurance.

...They cannot tell your irritable moods from your content moods.

...They start watching Lifetime on a regular basis, even your stepdad.

...Their glasses are bigger and wider than their faces.

...They lose something and find it in the oddest place.

...They spend more time on the toilet and they have a discussion with one another about what just came out.

...The higher the pants the better.

...You tell them something 3 times and they think it is the first time each time.

Well that is all I can think of for now. Thank you to my parent's for the inspiration for this entry.

Runner's High

January 09 2006
It is amazing how in one day things become as wonderful as they were. In 6th period Jeff and I were in Salty's room alone, and we talked a little bit. So, everything is good in that department. Then at track practice today, which team was also on the field? BASEBALL! Who is on the baseball team that I might happen to like, again? Well, if you don't know that, well, you can ask me later. And also since it was the first day of track, that means my favorite high in the world...RUNNER'S HIGH!!!


January 06 2006
So...nothing to say here. School, good. Home, good. Friends, great. Family, really good. Sleep, needed. Thats about my life in a few short sentences. oh, Track, soon and apprehensive.

School's here

January 03 2006
So here we are, sitting in a classroom. I put up new pictures of New Year's Eve, and of XC formal, and of my dad's house. This about all I have to say. And I have a crush! Absolutely Snazzy/Sexy/da Shizz! (AS is his initials) Anyways...


January 01 2006
Happy New Year!

It's back!

December 29 2005
Well Phusebox is back. Always a good thing. Not much else to say. Went to my dad's. The trip sucked. I do not fit in my family, or at least that side. This Christmas vacation hasn't been great. Some reason I cannot be happy. I jsut have been here, nothing else. Not happy, not exactly sad. Depressed maybe? Ugg. Well I cannot wait to be happy again or at least me.

No more phusebox

December 07 2005
So some reason on my computer at home I cannot log onto my phusebox (I am at school, but shhh! don't tell Nolan!) So I don't think I will update much more, maybe when I am able to at school. But if youw anna read about my life, www.xanga.com/PenguinFanatic should do the trick! Peace my babies!

Forgotten and Left Behind

November 28 2005
I feel as if I was forgotten and left behind. He hasn't talked to me or even looked at me. I feel like such a loser and almost like a bitch.Life and love is harder than it appears.

Happy Thanksgiving

November 27 2005
Thanksgiving was so much fun this year. My cousin came. We ate so much and played football and goofed around. Nick and I were going to see how long it would take to go from 0 to sixty, but we didn't have a stop watch...bummer. My grandma is the best cook by far. All the meals we had were amazing! I gained soo much weight! I love it! So I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving as I did. Love ya!

"It's a Hard Knock Life"

November 17 2005

So Annie was right, it's definately a hard knock life. It sucks when things do not go the way you want them to. It sucks when something so great falls into pieces. It was the most wonderful month and I am so pissed it is over. I have so many emotions going through my heart, I ahve no idea how I feel. I am so pissed, mad, sad, dissapointed, and other emotions that I don't think has a word for them, so I guess I feel BLAH! Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow (in a figurative and lyric way of saying things).

State Meet '05!

November 04 2005
So tomorrow is the Cross Country State Meet. I am a tad bit nervous, but more excited than anything. I dreamt that Siegel Nation was going to be there cheering us on,and I still thought they were until I was sitting in early day thinking about how cool it will be to have them there, then I remmeber dreaming it instead, bummer. Oh well, Jeff is going to go, so that is Siegel Nation +1 to me! I cannot wait till tomorrow night when I can eat anything and everything! I am thinking Demos' for dinner, then Marble Slab for dessert, and LaMar's for a midngiht snack. Too bad The Boro doesn't have and Candy Shops :( I want some gummy penguins and some other gummies, like sour worms, mmm I miss sour worms, some of my favorite candy.


October 20 2005

Yesterday I had an amzing race! It was awsome. I came in 2nd on the team, had a 21:09, and I came in 15th place in the race (top 30 got trophies!) Jeff put a note on my car that said that I am amazing and he is so lucky to have me in his life, but the truth is, I am lucky to have him in my life! He is amazing!

Fun Weekend

October 16 2005
My weekend was pretty awsome! Friday night I went to Homecoming with Jeff. Always fun. There was a creepy guy spying on us and smoking a cigarette. Saturday we had practice. It was alright. Saturday evening I went to dinner with Jeff, his parents, and his little sister. That was fun, but I was so nervous! I was too scared to talk, afraid of what I might say. Then we went to his house and watched Anchorman and Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Funny movies. I really like Jeff =) He is one awsome person!


October 11 2005
So I think Emily has a boyfriend...sweeeet!

Disney World

October 09 2005
Disney World was amazing! I miss it so much!