
January 26 2006
Work sucked last night.  The moniters that display the orders are out to kill me.  I ran into the one over the grills yesterday and cut my head open.  I bled, I BLED!!!  It hurt alot.  I wanted to go home but there was only three people working last night so that was impossible.  I might go see Underworld: Evolutions tonight but I might not too.  I might just go home and read.  I got my contacts today.  Which means I'll at least look a little better.  I'm really tired today.  In a bit I'm just gonna go home and lay down, after I get some food.  Maybe I'll go to Hastings or something.  I'm not entirely sure about anything today.  Oh word of advice, never eat McDonald's bacon cheeseburgers.  They are right disgusting.

Meagan McCann

January 26 2006
why thank you! so you go to oakland? well thanks for the propz... bak at ya! meag