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Duke University



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Fighting and Friendship

April 05 2006

Two related things, but my stories are not.

Problem 1: My sister and I were fighting a lot today. I love her, and we use to get along really well, but she turned 13 in February. Does that explain everything or what? All of the sudden it is much harder to get along. We both love each other but we are so different now that we fight about even the little problems. Mainly the fact that she doesn't like it when I play Video games. Something about attention. But I barely play anymore and when I do she still has a fit. Any ideas for help on that one?

Problem 2: One of my (thought) good friends might not be as good as I thought. We were great friends yesterday and Monday and Saturday, yet today and Sunday I got on his nerves and he didn't even want to be outside when I was over there. I think I have some bad effect on people recently. I don't know what I'm doing.I can't seem to get the right, or keep the right friends. Tell me what is wrong with me please.

No comments... I'll live.

Comments... I might throw a party.

Make me feel special...

 - The Jake master (or disaster, not quite sure)

kelsey shearron

April 05 2006
miss you buddy!