March 13 2006
Gimme a break...
I'm so tired of school work, fighting with my sister, and trying to make my youth group grow.
None of the three or currently changing so I obviously have something I need to deal with.
I dunno... My soul isn't right with God or something... or maybe I just need to work harder at peacemaking. I know I sound like I'm talkin about nothing, but something's wrong.
I need to work it out...
-+ jacob +-
March 14 2006
I used to feel like I was responsible for my friends' behavior as well, but no one would ever expect you to change your whole youth group around. Only God can do that. Just continue to be an encouragement to others and pray for them.
March 17 2006
thats awesome.. how are you doing ??? i havent talk with you in a while :) - liz