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Get it right, its ValentiNes not ValentiMes

February 14 2006

All of these fools!

I heard way too many people say Happy ValentiMes day. CAN

THEY NOT READ! i dunno... Its kinda a fun holiday in K-6 but then girls notice your a goober, they get attitudes, and of course I had to get picky.

I was alone this ValentiNes day. I got two candies. I feel happy that I am "loved".

This day makes me feel a little blue, even though I was wearing pink.

I never did understand the whole "I am so lonely, I hate Valentines day" attitude until I got a taste. Everyone has GF/BF 's or at least best friends. I got people who call me a friend, but nobody I could actually just talk to.

Enough with the negative.

I had pizza for dinner, I saw the pink Panthers, my family loves me, I believe in God, and I always have a good place to sleep.

The God part is the most important. Gotta have faith that things will look up...

 - jacob 


February 15 2006
When I was a freshman I had never had a boyfriend before and I also didn't have a best friend, but it'll get better one day...