Tyler Lowery


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longest thought... but most important please read

June 18 2008

Pretty amazing things have been happening to me lately.  as some of you know i have been at camp kokokahi for the past 2 weeks teaching mime.  well my brother in christ has been there too.  he haas been kind of like a mentor to me.  he has helped me to  seek better relationships and such things.  So a few things i have learned are...


I need to be more selfless and less vain

I have realized that i needed to ask God to humble me.... and most definatly He did.  its not always about me.  Looks do not need to be the main focus in my life.  christ needs to have charge of everything...  in the bible it says love the lord with all your heart soul and mind.... honestly if i am loving him *that* much then what else should i have room to love. also i know you might ask well then how are we supposed to love other people like the significant other?  well we need to love the GOD in the person.  So that also proposes another question. How could i possibly, being a follower of christ, love any person that does not have christ in them?  Well thats just it you cannot because then you would not be giving enough love to jesus. 


Also i have realized that some people have considered me a leader.  (with the help of brinton howerton and andrew adams) I am going to use a quote from spiderman.  "with great power comes great responsibility."  this is soo true if soemone wants me to lead them then i dang sure better be leading them in the correct path.  One that is a path that God would approve of.  I will also give a quote from Andrew.  Much is given to you, Tyler, so much will be required.


Also this week i have learned how to have a quiet time with God.  Before this week sure every once in a while i would just sit with my Bible and talk to God.  This is not the right way to go AT ALL.  It is amazing what he can show you if you just give him the time.  If you are hesitant to have a devotion because you are too tired or what ever the case may be then please think of it like this.  quiet time with God is the best time of the day.  the rest just goes downhill from there.  i dont care if you are going out on a date or whatever the case may be what better thing is there than to spend time with the creator of everything? 



I know that some people may not like things like this and no I am not trying to preach to anyone I am just sharing new things that have been an incredible excitement in my life. 


June 18 2008
This is quite intellegent thought my cousin.

Kaelynn Malugin

June 18 2008
go Tyler.


June 19 2008
dang, thats amaZing. i'm really happy for you! you have figured alot out and thats hype!!!!! I hope you keep growing :) We all need to think a little more like you think and we might all be getting some where.

Erin:: lub my flower.

June 24 2008
thats good. i always learn a lot getting away from my normal life, its getting back and remembering thats tough. dont forget what you learned. very happy for you.