Tyler Lowery


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what happened

February 15 2008

What happened to that kid 8 months ago? 

The kid name Tyler. 

Why has he changed so much? 

Why does he swear every other sentence now? 

Why does he enjoy hurting other people? 

Why does he not think things through any more? 

Why does he go by a different name? 

Why does James want to forget his past even though it was so great? 

Why does he not consder what other people have to think and what their feelings are? 

Where the hell did i go wrong?


Why am I not like this any more????

photo from



why do i have to be like this????

photo from



Why do i have to be so stern and upright?  not relaxing a little while and just taking up the joys in life



February 15 2008
those are pretty much all the questions i want answers to too. But i think the answer to some of those is..Life. No one stays the same no matter how hard their loved ones want them to. I think some of the answers are you just dont care anymore, you feel that you are who you are and everyone else can "Stuff It" if they dont like it. I pretty much have no help for you but i am praying for you and hope things get better and more joyful for you. (My key is laughing! Its rather fun and it makes other people happy at the same time. If you dont have laughter then you dont have much. But thats just me talking)

Tyler Lowery

February 15 2008
thanks grace :)

Kaelynn Malugin

February 15 2008
I understand, I don't know who I am anymore