Tyler Lowery


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Crazy stuff

September 30 2007

Today at church it was kinda boring but the service was pretty good they talked about complaining. but afterwards i had to watch kids while there was a meeting. It was all fun and stuff, i was playing soccer and there was this kid and he was carrying around this peice of wood. I told him to stop because he was going to get hurt but he didnt listen. so ANYWAY i kept playing soccer and i kicked it, it ended up hittting the wood and then hitting him in the mouth. Turned out i chipped his front tooth, like half of it. so it looked pretty bad lol. But at least it didnt hurt him. he didnt cry or anything but now he looks pretty bad ha ha ha.

so that was my day so far.  


September 30 2007
ha nice Tyler

Erin:: lub my flower.

October 01 2007
lol..... ur mean .. jk. <br> thats sorta funny actually.....

&hearts;...blue eyes...&hearts;

October 01 2007
wow...um...that is kinda funny....in a sick, twisted, and cruel way. lol