
March 16 2006

Yesterday life threw a crazy at me. I'm so confused. It's nothing bad really, just frustrating. It would be cool if ya'll could pray for me. I don't know what to do! --pout face-- I think I will do nothing and focus on God. I know he will give me peace and help me in this crazy situation. Well, I'm off to New York tomorrow morning! : )

Rebecca Jensen

March 16 2006
I'll be praying :-). hope everything is alright.

Chris Jensen

March 16 2006
Have fun! come back in one piece ;-)

amber lancaster

March 17 2006
ahhh New York..lucky lol well, i dont know whts wrong, but i will be praying for you. have fun on your trip =)


March 19 2006
Linda, I'm so sorry everything is making you so stressed. Hopefully, you had fun in NYC.