For Jordan 11/4/05

February 27 2006

I will go where you go, I will stay with you.

Just don't leave me alone, you're my dream come true.

Why don't you love me now, tell me what I've done.

I love you, always will. You are like the sun,

always there in my heart, burning bright and clear.

Life goes on filled with pain, still I want you near.

An empty kiss, a search for words. I need somethng more.

Watching you, missing you. I am always yours.

Chris Slate,

February 27 2006
hey linda... its been nice seeing you lately... i know we never have been close or anything... but iv seen your recent posts and i want you to know that im here for you... your a crazzy cool gal and im lucky just to say i know you... but yeh... im plannin on goin to the movies this saturday with some friends... if you arent doin anything id really like for you to come out... idk what were seein but itll be at about 7... (no im not askin you out or anyrhing... i just know that we could both use friends right now and a small escape to the movies is sometimes exactly what we need lol) your an amazing person linda... so call me sometime... id really like to hang out... in a friend way of course... lol 397-6777


February 27 2006
did you write this?

Linda Turner

February 27 2006
Yeah I wrote it a few months ago.

Jeana Lewis

March 01 2006
This makes me cry