Lin-Z HackneY


Relationship Status



Oakland High School




February 08 2006

Boredom is a sin...

And being lonely on v-day is funny...

so right now i am gonna laugh at myself...




Nick Danger

February 08 2006
Yeah, pretty much. Im like a lone buffalo :P And mountains. And a river. And lots of yummy grass. Mmmm...

Jonathan Allmon

February 09 2006
Happy Singles Awareness Day! I hate V-Day. I am always alone on it. Somehow life conspires against me so that it always falls right after a break-up. Oh well. Hope things are going good for you.

Abby Dee

February 09 2006
i'm used to being alone on valentines. whatev'

Nick Danger

February 09 2006
Since July? Oh, I thought you had a manly man or somethin...

Nick Danger

February 11 2006
Wee woo! I got some sticky stuff at Walmart. Now I can hang things on my wall without them leaving a mark! Isnt that amazing?! How are you on this finely snowing evening.

Chris Slate,

February 12 2006
yeh umm... sorry bout htat... i as kinda in a bad mood... i had to go to tomlinsons class to get him to sign my withdrawal form... im no longer at oakland... i got sent to daniel mckee for some bull crap reason

Chris Slate,

February 13 2006
6yeh... not to sound conceited but im normally one of the nicest and friendly people youll meet... but i have a short temper... when i get mad i get MAD!!! haha... but yeh... have a good day... later