What was I thinking?

July 17 2005
I have the horrible habit of making a huge ordeal out of the smallest situations. I know....its a curse. But its what I do. I can be a little compulsive at times. I'll get caught up in the heat of the moment, say or do something that I thought was the right thing at the time.....and the minute I do, that feeling of regret fills me. I hate that feeling. And I don't let it go. Oh no, that would be to simple. I dwell on it for days. I worry myself over it, and waste so much time and energy. I have discovered that I am a person very much in need of reassurance. I need someone to look at me, understand what I'm feeling, and tell me that it will all blow over, and later in life I will look back on this and laugh. That sounds so needy, and I am really not a needy person. I'm just a girl who needs a little reassurance from time to time. Ok, well I have rambled on and on about a very random topic. I'm done for now....

Rachael Vance

July 17 2005
ok, so we have had this convo before, but we are exactly the same...i can't help but be so dramatic at times. i'm seldom realistic about most situations. reassurance would be a great thing to have. although, you know that i'll try and reassure you at any time.

Rachael Moore

July 17 2005
"I'm just a girl who needs a little reassurance from time to time" oh so true...i feel the exact same way like the majority of the time. haha, yes it is a curse, but comes so easily to us girls. but try not to worry or overthink things...just remember God is in control and have faith and peace in that!!! love ya! we should hang out again soon!


July 18 2005
i need a lil reassurance from time to time too! i know exactly how you feel because i do the same things! say or do something that isn't the best & doesn't glorify my Father...and i do it without thinking. i'm just glad He'll forgive me! :o) well i must go for now...but we've gotta hang out sometime!