A Great Night of Worship

November 18 2005
All worship night at Clemson FCA = one of my favorite nights of the semester. It really is quite possibly the most enjoyable jobs I get to do. Besides getting to work with Trip and Trey, everyone is really into worshiping God and the atmosphere is really incredible. However, video almost didn't happen....

...because Trip and I were late... okay, pretty late... okay rediculously late. Call time was 5 o'clock and because of class, and a healthy dose of traffic in alpharetta, we didn't arrive until 6:40. Trip and I had 40 minutes to be ready and in that time we had to set up screens, 3 computers, run a couple hundred feet of cable, adjust projectors, capture and que footage, light the candles in the control booth, and pray before we could start. Somehow, God enabled us to be ready when the band hit the first note. Still not sure just how that happened. We were glad to see the end of the first service so we could start to breathe again. It went pretty well. The second worship set was packed out! We killed the lights as everyone was still talking, finding their seats, and making a lot of noise. From the black stage we began to hear the mellow drone of bagpipes bleed through the sound of the crowd. I threw the words to Amazing Grace up and the noise gradually turned from loud conversation to soft singing as they worshiped with the bagpipes. A sweet moment indeed.The rest of the set went really great, Trip and I were really in sync. One more really cool moment during the set: Up until the second to last song, Majesty, we had words on the two side screens and loops on the large center screen. The song starts slow and gradually builds to a really powerful chorus that just goes "Majesty, Majesty." Right as the band and the crowd hit the first note of that chorus, we faded in two stars/galaxy loops that we blended together with the DV-7 onto all three screens. Everytime they sang Majesty the building shook. Awesome!

After a great night, we spent some time hanging out with Trey, Austin and gang. I can't wait to do it again. I uploaded a few pictures taken by Austin Grigg. Check em out!