Sptember 26 2005

September 26 2005
Well look at it!!!! Im on a role! What is this like 4 days in a row??? BOOOYAAA! I know, i know, my fans are are thinking "wow what could be better??" Well not much could be better than reading about my extremly exciting and glorious life lol J/K. Now on to serious matters. I was thinking today about how much God has blessed me with amazing relationships! God has been revealing to me that each relationship I have is given by him and I should cherish it so so so much! You see, a wise teacher I had in high school (Mr. Dan) came into class on his first day and wrote on the board "It's all about relationships" and then he went on a spill on how important relationships are and how all of life comes down to relationship we have with others. Now at the time I was in 9th grade and didn't comprehend the depth of what he was saying. But lately God has been revealing how wonderful this truth "its all about relationships" is. Over a long process I have begun to chew on that idea and realized how true it is. You see I realize that when I boil it down my ultimate purpose on this planet is to know God and to make him known. (cliff notes version lol) But when I look at both of those, both are based on relationships! You see, I must have a relationship with God before I can have an impact in this world for him. Then I must have a relationship with others on this planet to have an influence on them. So you see, I am starting to realize that even the smallest of relationships in my eyes play such a huge part in what God's view for my life's purpose is. If life really is all about showing God and making him known, every action I proceed on doing has an effect on others (relationships) and so I have to take that extremely seriously. God has blessed me by putting people into my life. He continues to bless me because he believes and wants me to use the love and passion he has blessed me with to impact others for Him. It would be selfish of me to take a relationship God has blessed me with and use it for my pleasure or just not give it my all. I am not saying I have to be best friends with every person and hang out constantly. Not at tall. I am saying it is selfish of me to make fun, leave behind, or neglect a person just cuz. You see I as a Christian am called to a higher standard than the world around me. While the world says - "go for the throat! It's a dog fight the whole way up so get the upper hand. Make fun of people to advance your prosperity. Don't talk to those "friends" of yours that you have become to popular for. Whatever it takes to be the "coolest" or most powerful, do it." God calls me to uplift anyone he has put in my life. To treat them as if I were Christ. Though I will never be perfect at loving and reaching the people around me, God calls me to strive to be that way. I think something else God has shown me in this whole process is that he loves and cares so so so so much for each of his creations. I know that is obvious but when I really think about the extent of his passion for the hearts and souls of his creations, I can't help but think about how selfish it is of me to be mean, or inconsiderate to another person. I see now that God loves and cares so much for that persons heart and soul, who am I to hurt that heart or soul through my selfish ambitions! It would be like me just saying -"hey God, see this person you love and care for so much? do you see this child of yours that you are working so intricately with to draw them to your side? Yea, well I am going to hurt them because I want to look better in the worlds eyes. I’m going to hurt that heart that you are so tenderly touching. All because of what I WANT!" Though that’s not what goes through my head when I hurt someone for my own benefit, i see now that is what I am saying with my actions.
Again, I’m not sure if any of this made see but oh well lol. it makes sense in my head lol. I hope that everybody is having a great day! I hope and pray that anyone that reads this will in some way hear God in it some where.

In Him,
1 Thes 5:16-18


September 26 2005
You are on a roll! Way to go!

Rebekah Minor

September 26 2005
love it! and completely understand...probably the longest entry i have ever fully understood...very simple, yet profound

Betsy Mcmahan

September 26 2005
That makes sense.I never really thought about it like that.I hope you are having a splendid week so far. Thank you for the comment!

Sara Shaban

September 26 2005
ah the wise teachings of Mr. Dan

Rachael Moore

September 26 2005
awesome! hope youre having a great night!

Alden Ward

September 26 2005
hey wuts up i liked your view on dating. If i see any cherry flavored purell i'll get it for you LOL!!!


September 27 2005
thanks jonathan. you're pretty awesome yourself. see you tom. and have a great rest of the week! _kt

eddie sally

September 27 2005
dude jonathan! guess who i work with? casey mcclure! hes the tall guy that came to bigstuff with us last year. couldnt believe it when i saw him. welp see ya later


September 28 2005
Aww, J-mo you are amazing. About the T-shirt really no rush at all, but you could hurry it up a bit...lol Hope school is going to and maybe I will see you tonight, but maybe not. If not have a good rest of the week!


September 28 2005
all about relationships...not a bad idea.