Mallard ball social 2

November 05 2005

Well here is an update on the social!! It was a lot of fun!!  But i think that  I am gonna have to get a date for Black Diamond!! I might have someone in mind..LOL!! But yeah!!

I am gettin really confused on some things right now!! I need my friends to help me through this..To be over to my house in less than 5 mins to sit and listen to me complain about things!! To invite me to go eat Marble Slab at the right time.. Why did all of that go away? I still don't understand!!


November 05 2005
who could that someone be??? i'm glad you had fun tonight though! and i think all that stuff went away because we all thought it would be a good idea to pack up and leave to live in the middle of nowhere! but at least you still have some of us right there! even if we're aren't there this weekend!


November 06 2005
marble slab now! lol!!! o wait! they arent open this early in tha morning! okay well marble slab friday night my treat! luv ya!