Zach McCain


Relationship Status

In A Relationship


Siegel High School


UT Martin



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September 30 2005
Dear Friends,

Sorry about that post I left yesterday. Satan was really having a field day with my emotions. I know that this is where I belong. I'm still not fully sure why, but this is the place that God wants me. Believe me, if it were up to me I would come back home, but the simple fact is that it is not, and of that I am eternally greatfull.

Classes are going well. I made a 100 on a test that most everyone else made between an 80 and a 90 on. And that was my honors class, all honors students have to take it. I know what you're thinking, it's because I'm at Martin and there are no truly intelligent people here. Think again. I have found more brilliance in my classmates here than anywhere in the past. That is, more people who are brilliant. Anyway, I hope that I am able to keep up the trend, and I hope that all of you guys are doing well also.

I miss ya'll. I'll be sure to talk to you later. Oh, and please keep me in your prayers, I have a feeling Satan isn't done with me yet.

Love In Christ,


September 30 2005
I understand what you mean. Satan can be really mean.

kyle cantrell

September 30 2005
Zach's been a while. Glad to hear college is going good. My dad graduated from Martin and while it may be small(er) than some of the other schools in the state, you'll have alot more fun and get an awesome education no matter the school size. Satan is a nerd..or is it a dork..actually I think he's a Georgia fan..

Ashley Orman

October 02 2005
you and that honors lol, and tell satan that hes got no business with you! ok i love you!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 03 2005
I guess I'm naked.


October 05 2005
yay, a good test grade!!