
November 02 2005

Ok, so I had a humbling experience tonight at church.  Eric (the guy giving the message) was preaching on Revelation 2:18-29.  It's one of the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor - more specifically the letter to the church in Thyatira.  Well, in the passage, it talks about Jezebel (which was cool in and of itself because we just discussed her story in Old Testament today... but anyway...).  In case you don't know, Jezebel was an evil woman married to King Ahab, the king of Israel (1 Kings 16).  Ok, there were a lot of bad kings that reigned over Israel, but King Ahab was one of the worst.  He and Jezebel were responsible for some of the corruption in Israel because of their Baal worship.  Well, because of all this corruption, hardly anyone in Israel was following God.  And so, the same way that this was happening in Israel during the time of Ahab and Jezebel (which is why she is mentioned), the same sort of practices were occuring in this little city of Thyatira.  In order for a person to be successful in Thyatira, they had to be a member of a trade guild, but the catch to these trade guilds was that once a month the members had to make sacrifices to idols.  Therefore, if you wanted to be obedient to God, you basically wouldn't be successful.  So, my thought was, "If the people knew what God could do to protect them from death and occupation by other cultures (both in the time of Jezebel and the time John wrote Revelation), why didn't they just trust Him to do what they already knew he could do?"  Then comes my humbling moment... I thought, "Well darn...if I know what God can do, and how he'll provide for me, why can't I just trust him to keep me from the enemy?"  Wow, talk about humbling.  Here I am chastising the Israelites for not trusting God, and I fail time and again at that very thing. 

Anyway... that's all for now..


November 02 2005
That is amazing! I miss you! We should all get together one night! It would be awesome!


November 02 2005
that's so true! thanks for that! i needed it! trusting God despite the circumstances around me is definitely at the top of my struggles right now...i love you!