Bad day

December 01 2005
What a crap day. Ever have one of those? had SUCK in capitol letters written all over it. I got myself all worked up about something that didn't happen. I had like 2 homework assignments that I didn't even know about and therefore, did not turn in. My stupid 5th period teacher can't get my name right after having me in her class for an entire semester, and she calls this other guy Garrett. So when I try and correct her, she gets pissed off at me. Plus I just can't seem to do anything right. And to top it off, we lost our basketball game for a 3 point shot at the buzzer in overtime. I feel like being mad right now, so i'm gonna go be mad. I think I am entitled to be mad on days like these.Oh well, at least tomorrow is Friday. Maybe it will get a little better.

I thought of this songs that goes along with this day really encouraged me when I listented to it. It's by Relient K. Here's the chorus.

"More Than Useless" by Relient K

"But then, you assure me,
I'm a little more than useless,
When I think that I can't do this,
You promise me that i'll get through this,
and do something right, do something right for once."


December 01 2005
what are you expecting ? have a great night! - LiZ


December 01 2005
haha im sry ....that s kind of funny that ur teacher cant get ur name right, I laughed at that sry haa, but I hope tomorrow will be better for ya :) -sarah-