The Product of our Ignorance

May 29 2006
What happens when we elect a president because of his religion? Funding for sexual education is reserved for abstinence-only programs. In an age where Hello Kitty makes thongs and Jenna Jammeson has a best selling novel, we deny teens information on condoms and birth control. Porn is easier to access than information on safe sex, and, more than that, porn is being accessed more than info on safe sex. In fact, porn doesn't even have to be "accessed" because it's everywhere. Half naked women acting like strippers and porn stars is the center of advertising, TV, and movies. No one can deny how casual sex is in today's society, and the fact that kids are starting to have sex younger and younger, and yet, we are still hanging on to the ignorant fantasy of teaching our kids to remain virgins until they're married. Nevermind the enormous ammount of pressure on teens to lose their virginity as soon as possible. Rather than telling them how to protect themselves if they do decide to give in to the peer pressure, lets instead make them feel even worse about themselves for giving into the message they are getting absolutely everywhere they turn. Furthermore, why not educate teenage girls how to make the choice in the first place? Why deny the fact that they have sexual desire and not teach them how to direct it? Why not teach them about the difference between their sexual desires and the pressure of society? We are all so stuck on this impossible idea of all teens saving sex for marriage that we're not willing to teach them the realistic information they need, and we're certainly not willing to do anything about how screwed up the messages in the media are.

adam rodrigues

May 29 2006
I don't believe abstience to be impossible. Many people do it. Just because there are a large number of people who don't hold to it, doesn't mean we should believe no one is capable of it, and try to teach people "safe sex". No matter how badly the public wants to believe it, they're not going to will birth control and condomns into some type of security blanket for being permiscuous. Because the reality is birth control and condomns are frequently unsuccessful, and more so, incapable of stopping many STDs.