Fuck the institution

February 21 2006

This school is really starting to get to me. I brought it up to Andrew several times last night and he said, "Maybe you just need to go to a different school." It sounded so simple....and then I remembered the lack of accredidation at this school which prohibits credits from transerring elsewhere.

Everyone here is so full of themselves. You have the students, majority of which think they are the smartest, most talented people on the face of the earth matched only by the select few they allow to be in their illitist artist clique. Then, you have the teachers who are usually about the same as the students only worse because they have degrees that supposedly prove how amazing they are. And finally the people who run the school - the men in suits and the women in stilletos. They don't talk or look at the students because they are so far above them....After all, they're the reason we can't smoke right in front of the building because they wouldn't dare be able to stand having to walk through even the slightest remainder of cigarette smoke in order to enter the building.

I'm done. Time to smoke and then return to class and resist the urges of a. shooting myself, b.shooting everyone else, or c.shooting everyone else and then shooting myself.


February 22 2006
i don't like when peoplehave big egos. ti only shows how immature they really are. don't kill yourself...that would be sad.


February 22 2006
Ah, c'mon. You can't tell me that life is honestly that bad? Look at it from the sadistic side of it all. You being there with who you are pains them and makes their day worse :P Don't get me wrong, you're a great kid. But I'm sure they're too elitist to see past their pastic facades. That, and they hate nice people. Don't be respectfully nice to them they want that, be obnoxiously sarcastically nice to them.