
January 02 2006
I don't think the posting every day thing is going to happen. I sort of lost my motivation for that when this thing got shut down for that brief while.

Life is so weird. I don't know if it's the new year that is so strongly reminding me of the strangeness of life, or just everything that has been going on lately. Either way, I posted on my xanga several minutes ago, and I mentioned school starting back soon. The thought depressed me at first, but now I've decided that I'm happy about it. I've gotten a lot accomplished over the break, but it'll be nice to have responsibilities like class and homework. Mainly just so I won't feel like such a bum. My parents are helping me out with bills since I'm not working right now, and they only do it because I'm in school. So, when we start arguing at a time like this when I am not going to school every day, I feel really bad. Mom and Dad are nuts, and they make me crazy as well, but I do appreciate every thing they do. I don't think they realize how much I appreciate it. That's probably because I never tell them.
Anyways, I'm off to embark on non-cyber adventures now.
Enjoy 2006, people.


January 02 2006
ahhh yes...i hate school.