Drink Dajen


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January 06 2007
Beks and i hit the dance floor last night. Super super fun.

I nbever realized how much trash we hadin middle tennessee.. What i saw last night was unbelievable. disgusting.. Girl;s grinding on girls dressed in nothing. People having sex on couches.

It makes me wonder what kind of places these girls grew up in.. and what theirself esteem level s are at. i would be curious to know.

The second a female even touches the dance floor about 6 trashy guys swarm.. They put their hands on you, as though they have some sort of claim to you. And the dignified girls in turn work their way away from the dance floor. The skank ones will grind on anything..
This is why men have such a degrading oppinion of women. We give it to them, through our behaviors.

So Beks and i stuck to the deserted disco floor. and danced the night away with the few cool dancers that passed our way.

Rachel Mason

January 06 2007
dang that is nasty what kind of place was YOU in??