Drink Dajen


Relationship Status




Old Friends

July 31 2006

Got an instant message last night from an OLD OLD friend.  Its always so strange catching up.  Awkward saying all the things that have changed. 

Scared about what they'll say when they realize that you aren't the same person that you were when the two of you saw each other last.

But then there is still the bond that will always be there no matter how different things are at present...

I love stuff like this.

then i hate it.  Hate how we fall out of the relationships we have with our friends.  Its best if there is a fight or something and it ends.. At least that is closure.  But when it just ends and neither party knows why or what happened.   I hate that.  Soo soo much. 

So keep your friendships everyone.  Dont let people drift away.  One day you'll need them.  And theyll prolly need you too sooner or later. 

HOld on for life,  because when crisis hits you'll want some one there to help you with the life boat.