January 26 2008
I went to my first meeting for People to People today. It was three hours long and I was extremely hungry, so I thought it was never going to end. I had Keri by my side, and I met some potentially cool people, so it wasn't all that bad. I'm even more excited about going to Europe than I was. There is a total of 46 people going. 46! That's a whole lot of people. Keri and I thought we were going to be the only freshman, but we are the only two people from Dickson. Yay, go us! My mom told me that I couldn't spend my whole time talking to Keri though because I need to make new friends. But I can do both at once. There are some really tall people in our group. I felt really short. Everyone seems pretty nice so far, so that's good. So my day was pretty good, how about all of your's?