
November 12 2006
There have been a lot of changes in my life
lately and I kind of welcome them. First off, I am once again seeing another
person. I refuse to call it going out because the term has degenerated down to
the elementary school level; therefore, I am saying 'seeing', which is not
to be confused with an open relationship. The amazing part is that I
finally found a girl that holds true to my abnormally high standards: pure and
Christian (believe it or not that is hard to find now a days). I figured five
months is a clear go ahead on the "I'm over you" gossip line without
having the "He is using her" attached to it, which without a doubt
will still exist but to no avail in the reality domain.

My sister has returned home; I am told is a good thing. Personally, I think she
is cockier than ever now that she has gone through some basic drills and
hand-to-hand combat, but she is mistaken if she thinks she is the only one who
has been training all summer.

I have severely cut back on my hours at work for the moment because I have no
time to myself. I was going to quit entirely but I gave in to my boss and I
said that I would work Saturday mornings.

I have noticed that I have grown by leaps and bounds academically, physically,
and emotionally, though I am sure there still will be faults here and there. I
have finally made all A's! Isn't that amazing!? I, a male, have conquered all
challenges.... Well, that is how I see it, though I am sure Sarah will make
some smart-ass comment that will deflate my head and make my self-esteem lower
again.... *shakes fist* SARAHHH!!! But then again, everyone needs to have a
kick in the go-nads from time to time just to be kept in line.

Nathan Moore

November 12 2006
congrats on the relationship... I agree that it is very hard to find a pure Christian girl these days... don't ever take it for granted.