An Update

April 05 2006

Okay, well nothing is really new. Beautiful is sick with mono, I am as healthy as a horse (which for some reason we assume it means your health??), I am ready for the summer to get here, and I am thinking of getting a job at Kroger because I like it a lot more than I do Bi-lo or Food-Lion.  We got a 039.something out of 400 on our ACI (Annual Command Inspection) in JROTC of course, which is really good considering the moron cadet who decided to walk onto the field (I am not sure if he is a cadet anymore) in the middle of inspection and nine cadets missing. I have a three page paper due next Thursday on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, and the ACT this weekend. I also gave Sarah my Chess painting for her birthday, which I hate giving gifts because I am always questioning whether they actually like it or not especially when it involves my art work. I am looking forward to Boy's State at the end of May and beginning of June. I was thinking about getting a job as a waiter so that I could have a little pocket money along with a pay check, ya know? Idk, well, I think that is long enough! ttyl

Sarah Vermillion

April 05 2006


April 06 2006
i think we're hiring. $6.50 an hour to bag groceries.


April 06 2006
ya gotta go to and click on careers and fill out an application and put down that you want to work at the one on tennessee blvd. all the people there are cool and laid back, so ya know.. heather wanted a job there but i guess we just werent hiring at the time.