Governor School

March 16 2006
I got my letter today and after a long introduction they stated that I was not accepted to Governor School. Yeah, majorly depressed about that... I think that is the first thing that I have worked really hard at and failed. I guess on a brighter side, I got an 84 on the ASVAB, which is one point away from qualifying to be a Nuclear Engineer, so yeah, I guess it is not such a bright side. Question is what I am going to do for the 5 weeks I was going to be at Governor School?

Sarah Vermillion

March 16 2006
You could hang out with meeeee...<br><br>Yeah, not exactly a great substitute. But I'm more than willing to help you find stuff to do for those five weeks. I'm sorry you didn't get in, babe.

Elaine Stephens

March 26 2006
hey, i'm sure you'll be happy to know that i finally watched braveheart a couple nights ago. i seriously was on the verge of tears by the end, and that's a lot for me. it was so good. thanks for letting me borrow it. now you can totally make all sorts of allusions :) FREEDOM!! mwahaha! lol, ok, well i'll get it back to ya when break is over. in the meantime, have a great break, and be safe! seriously. take care!