Military Ball and CARPE DIEM!!!

February 19 2006

Well.... Saturday kinda started off like crap. I had to forfiet the competition in order to get to the Militay Ball on time when I had beaten everyone in the qualification bouts with ease, which I also didn't now they were qualification bouts. I didn't even get to stay for the whole thing! I still got third but they gave my medal to someone else because I wasn't there. I competed just in foil, not even my best weapon. Oh well... They all new I was better than them anyways!! LoL

Jade looked gorgeous in her dress, as did all the lovely ladies at the Military Ball. The Military Ball gave me an excuse to be the gentleman I love to be, oh, and thank you Sarah for allowing me to pull your chair out for you a couple times so that I could feel like a true gentleman. (Oh, and you know you liked what Modrall and I did!!) LoL

The only bad thing was that my National Guard for Color Guard lead my flag straight into a ceiling fan (which I told him specifically to make sure he doesn't lead me into) and then he proceeded to pistol-whip me, his commander. LoL But it was funny.

DANCING WAS SOOO MUCH FUN!!! Taking the jacket off was like a switch. With the jacket on I was the anal person I have to be as a company first sergeant, but after I could take it off (and by take it off I mean... well... I let your mind wonder on that...) I had soooo much fun! Jade was so much fun, too, and I am very glad that I took her to the Military Ball. I was really surprised one how she danced but in a very good way. I danced with a lot of ladies and I even got to slow dance with three at once. OH YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT GUYS, THREE AT ONCE!!!! I taught Christina Smith a little swing dancing, and danced a few slow songs with her. It was so much fun that I was literally bouncing off the walls. I got a lot of people to loosen up and have fun. It has to be the most amount of fun that I have every had in one night in my whole life!

Although, a lot happen that night that was really fun and interesting, but there is one thing that I thought was very interesting: I got to see an old friend, Kyle, one of Callie's best friend's ex-boyfriend who I met while helping Callie move into her new house. We talked for a little bit and caught up on how things were going. We both seem to be happy at where we are in life and the way things are going.

I had a load of fun, which goes to show that if you want to have fun don't wait around for it, DO IT! CARPE DIEM!!! (THANKS ELAINE!) SEIZE THE DAY! AND BOY DID I!! It feels SOOOO good. I feel better than I have in about eight months! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did and if you didn't, ITS YOUR FAULT! LoL

After the M. Ball, Jade and I went back to my house and watched The Thirteenth Warrior, which was fun. I took her back home at about 12: 45 a.m., then got home and ate at about 1:20 a.m., and finally went to bed at about 2:15 a.m Sunday morning, but I had to get up at about 6:35 a.m. Thats about it!

See everyone on Tuesday or maybe not! ttyl Bye!



Elaine Stephens

February 20 2006
lol. glad to hear you had a great time. omg, i can't believe you made a latin reference... ahh! morere! (lol, sry, i had to, you know it!) sounds like you were the real sexpot of the night *wink*. well, i'll see ya tuesday i guess. take care!

Sarah Vermillion

February 20 2006
Heck yes I liked it. *winkies*

Callie Lund

February 21 2006
thanks for letting me know house was on , glad you had fun