Don't really have a catchy title...

February 15 2006

Well, the weekend was good, did absolutely nothing after my Governor's School interview, which went well. I will know in about a month if I got in or not, so until then I just have to be patient. The week, though, has not been so good. Monday I just sat around and played Final Fantasy VIII (yes, I am a geek). I got a big ole lecture from my mom, about how I have to change to make others happy when I could not be more miserable, which of course I thought to myself *Mom, you have no idea...* but like the good young son I kept it all inside waiting for another day to explode. Say La Vi... Why do other people always want something from me? Well, I guess that is not really fair to say about everyone but it seems like it. Dad was really pissed off at me after the argument with mom, can't really blame him, after all I get the protective gene from him. House was hilarious like normal, so that made me hapy for awhile, but my mom seemed happy with the "progress" she made. Basically, she wants me to not talk about how I feel and be a "yes, ma'am" or "no, ma'am" kind of attitude. Well, I feel a little bit better... venting is good...

Oh, I have a fencing competition this weekend!! Yay! I am going to win, I've decided. LoL I am doing Sabre and Foil, my two best weapons so I think I am insured a spot in the top three. Well, I guess that is all. TtYl

Sarah Vermillion

February 15 2006
Good luck with your comp on Saturday.