Spring Break, day 1

March 28 2006

So yeah, I woke up this morning around 9:45 and was like well, I guess I'll go ahead and get up. So I did. Luckily, I left when I needed to anyway, after cleaning my room and making sure I packed everything. I

At 10:30 I went to Old Time Pottery, talked with the manager, and I start on Monday after I get out of my horn lesson. Yay for money! Now, we just have to talk about my work schedual. She said that she'd only need me on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but I want to have atleast one day on the weekend off, but if I worked Sundays, I would get off at 11. Oh well, the manager that refered me in the first place said he would work around my schedual so I'm not really worried.

I left there at 11, still on time, and drove for the next 3ish hours. NPR is great.  I got to Abby's house around...2:45 and then la Madre took me to the school and I got to play with the band. It was cool, everyone knew who I was, lol. The choir director is a BEAST! But yeah, we played duets and I hung out with Sierra in the office during jazz band.

After that, we went to eat Chinese, woot woot. Sierra's boyfriend is weird, but in a good way. I have pictures.

 That's me and Madre.

 Me playing with my chop sticks.

 Abby looking like a rabbit.

 Sierra and Zach (the boyfriend)

 Zach drinking soy sauce.

The end!

what can I say?

March 28 2006
well...I can say that I'm not hopelessly romantic anymore!

DNJ article on Elizabeth and me!

March 23 2006

Young musicians to solo with MYO

Young musicians recently competed for cash prizes and the chance for a solo with the Murfreesboro Youth Orchestra at its upcoming spring concert.

The Concerto Competition was sponsored by Steinway Piano Gallery.

Young musicians recently competed for cash prizes and the chance for a solo with the Murfreesboro Youth Orchestra at its upcoming spring concert.

The Concerto Competition was sponsored by Steinway Piano Gallery.

Young musicians recently competed for cash prizes and the chance for a solo with the Murfreesboro Youth Orchestra at its upcoming spring concert.

The Concerto Competition was sponsored by Steinway Piano Gallery.

Young musicians recently competed for cash prizes and the chance for a solo with the Murfreesboro Youth Orchestra at its upcoming spring concert.

The Concerto Competition was sponsored by Steinway Piano Gallery.

The two winners of the Senior Division are Kyle Hayes, French Horn, and Ellen Gassler, cello. They will be in the spotlight with solos at MYO's May 2 concert.

Kyle is a senior studying with Radu Rusu, and Elizabeth is a junior studying with Alicia Randisi-Hooker.

Honorable Mention in the Senior Division went to Heather Nagy, flute, and Craig Bullington, violin.

View the actual article .


March 22 2006
I'm tired of fake friends.

just another rainy day

March 21 2006

today was boring.

first period consisted of us working on note cards, but I played on the computer because I had done mine already. the dodge-ball game went on, but I didn't go, no one to sit with.

music theory was a joke ::again:: so I went to my practice room.

we watched coach carter in government; it is a good movie.

in band, we played the rotc music, parade music, and then got to go to lunch early. Lindsey Brison is my favorite person in band.

we played for the rotc passive review thing during 5th, I took my sudoku book with me. twas lame.

6th period was a good learning experience. I took my speakers and computer and Mr. Medford and I made some recordings. they were BOOTY! but he said to take the ones we did home, burn them, and we'll make some more later.

it is no fun with your three favorite people don't go to the same school as you...or pretty much have the same area code. friday is senior skip day...I'm greatly looking forward to that.


Woo Japan!

March 19 2006

So Tyler came to see Macbeth with me. They did really well, and were very good actors. The guy who played Macbeth was super.

We then went to eat Japanese food. I also taught him the ways of chopsticks. We split a bento box with lots of stuff in it. He said he didn't trust me at first, but really enjoying it. We also had like eight california rolls. Sr. Dan should be proud.


March 18 2006

I hate being bored! It's of the devil.

Term Paper

March 17 2006

Yeah, so I don't think I'm going to work on my term paper during my time in the computer lab today.

Today should be a 'snow' day.


Prom plans...not happening.

March 15 2006

So I have no idea what I'm doing now! I've found out that whoever decided who gets to ride in the limo has left my prom date and me off the list. I don't really care for me, but she (Elizabeth Gassler) goes to private school and does get a prom and I wanted this to be AMAZING for her. So, I guess we'll have to have our own prom without the group.

Grr to a small portion of the senior class.

awesome, awesome day

March 12 2006

So I went to Warren County after church today to spend time with Mr. Turner. I drove with my windows while listening to Beethoven's 6th, it was great. I like driving w/ my windows down. So that took about 40 minutes, not bad. I met Tyler and he drove me around and gave me a mini-tour of the town, it was cute. He then took me home to meet his mom, I like her, she's very cute. We then went and ate Chinese buffet, it was very good. I need to teach Tyler how to eat with chopsticks eventually, lol. Later, he took me to walk around the greenway. It was awesome just walking around the park while holding hands, and in public! To think, to guys holding hands in public...but it was great.  We got all hot and sweaty, yum. After the walk he took us to Hastings to get some smoothies. I felt bad about him paying for everything, but it was sweet. We then went back to his house and spent the rest of the time (which was like three hours) laying around watching TV. His sister is uber adorable. She brought us cupcakes, and Tyler decided to be messy and get all the chocolate on my face, but he cleaned it up, lol. It was really fun, I think we both feel asleep a couple of times, muy cute. But alas, I had to leave. We said our good byes, and I went on my way home, to Mahler 1 this time. I think this boy is a keeper, for all seriousness. This dumb truck decided to race the the entire way home...but I beat him!

And that was the end to my awesome weekend. We're going to go see Macbeth next Sunday, so excited.

Woot, Saturday.

March 11 2006

So I got to see Tyler and Lindsey today. I met them for lunch, it was good. Cheese fries make me happy.

I took them to Bath Junkie and it was really fun. We experimented with the smells for like 30 minutes, then they baught some stuff, yay! We also went to Kohl's....here are the pictures.


That is them at the "smelly station" being all experimental like.


That is Mr. Tyler and myself with some Jolly Rancher pillows, lol. Not quite PEZ...but it will do.

I'm going to his house tomorrow, so exciting!

Woot woot!

March 10 2006

Today was great!!!!

We had concert fest today. I decided to wear flipflops w/ my tux and put my shoes on when I get on the bus...well, I got to school and forgot my shoes...so I had to burn rubber in order to get back home and get my shoes and get back to school in 10 in or less. I did. We played the music, got on the bus, went to the festival, and got 1's! Yay! I was so excited. We stayed to watch MaGavock vs Columbia...MaGavock won, by a lot.

We get back home after eating at the mall (where I saw my mom's friend and her children, I picked one of them up and everyone was like "Kyle! Did you steal one of the children!?!?!" it was funny) and wouldn't you know it, I left my shoes on the bus this time. Oh well.

I went to coinstar (which is the greatest thing ever!) and with all the change laying around my room, I ended up leaving with ::drum roll:: $121.75 how awesome!! Gas money, horn workshop money, woot woot.

I then went to get my haircut and meet Tyler at my school, where we say the play "Ax of Murder" and it was awesome, I expected it to be a little more funny, and a more dramatic ending, but it was still really good. Jackie and everyone did a good job. Tyler and I went to Starbucks afterward and talked and what not. It was good. I'm going to see him on Sunday...because he left is wallet in my car, lol. But I was going to go anyway.

So yeah, good days.

Question: What ya gunna do with all that junk? All that junk inside yo trunk?
Answer: I'm gunna get get get you drunk, get you love drunk off my humps. My humps, my lovely little lumps.

My marriage to Figaro.

March 09 2006

So let's see...I posted last on Tuesday, right? I'll start from Wednesday then. So I get to church and Mr. Kinney asks me to help him demonstrate instruments for the pre-school choir, it was cute. They got scared when I played a part of Siegfried horn call. We then went to choir rehearsal, and omg, the piece we're playing is sooo much fun. I feel like a rockstar and the choir ladies that are on my bell end are like "omg, that's loud" it was really funny.

Tonight in orchestra, it was kinda boring. Many of the people didn't show up because of "Hurricane Laquita" and we (the brass) really didn't get much playing time. Later, I went on to quintet (even though its really like 8 people, we just call it that) and for the first 10 min or so, we only had 5 people...with the correct instrumentation, only a sax instead of a clarinet. Oh well, everyone showed up a little later. Transcriptions of Mozart overtures are fun.

Outstanding Music Performance Scholarship

March 06 2006
So yeah, I'm totally going to college for free. I love my horn. To think what I would be doing if I still played the clarinet...

Flipflops, woot woot

March 01 2006

Current mood: chipper

So it was really warm today, and I liked it. I wore flipflops and drove around with my windows down. I like sitting outside when it's nice outside. Even more when I'll have an iPod and can listen to music and just relax.

I only had to go to one class today, it was fun. We had a peprally during 1st and 2nd period, so I just went to my little hole in the wall called "Kylie's Practice Room" and had some alone time with my horn. So Morceau and Villanelle are coming along great, I'm excited. I did that C-scale run amazing like 5 times, I was soo happy.

Waiting for the weekend to come around is aweful. Oh well, it will come. Tomorrow is Chinese night, yay. Elizabeth and I have decided to do it because we both have to go to orchestra rehearsal anyway, and she gets her essays done faster when she has to meet me for food. It's very bonding. After orchestra I have quintet rehearsal...till like 10:00, so I won't get home till 10:15ish, boo. I'll miss the monologue that Ellen does before the show starts...

Happy Hump-day!!


February 24 2006

So I get to school at like 8:05 to find out that the bus is running late. Lindsey and I sat outside keeping watch. We ended up being late to the rehearsal, blah. I buzzed on the mouthpiece while we were driving there because I didn't want to suck. I hung out with Jia Zhu. I was mad she didn't sit closer to me. Her and this adorable lil horn dude from Riverdale were laughing the whole time and I was like no...we did that last year...so I would make faces at them. There was another guy on the end...he was annoying. He would listen to me work on parts in the music and be like "oh, let me show you how it's supposed to sound" then play it really really badly and I'm like "and that's why you sit on the end."

So I was elected to ride the bus back with the people who didn't have rides and make sure everyone got home ok. It was fun, we just talked about Ellen and how much I love her. Haha.

I'm currently watching Foster's House for Imaginary Friends. It's a fun show. I like cartoon network. I think that Chris Sutton hit on me today...that's what Samantha said, lol. He was a lot nicer today than the other two times I've been around him. He and this other guy asked me to go to some club with them, but I had to decline. He ::Chris:: said he would call me tomorrow and invite me, but I don't think I'm the club-kinda guy...espesially on a Saturday night. I dunno, I had a hard enough time with the dance at Governor's School. I don't think I'm comfortable with people rubbing their bodies on each other in public, lol.

Oh well.

Yay for Southeast Horn Workshop!!!

February 21 2006

So my parents are letting me go! I'm so excited.

Since this is the week of my spring break, Abby has it planned all out. I shall leave on Tuesday in order to arrive at her house and play some cool horn duets all evening. I will sleep on her couch that night. The next morning I will accompany her to school where I will be undercover as "the new guy" to scare the unsusbecting civilians. They will go "oh no, there's another one!" During the day, I will be playing with the band class, as well as playing more duets when Abby is not attending her classes. I will come during the lunch time and bring Chinese food for the eating. Wednesday evening, it is said that I shall drive to Jackson with Ms. Abby to play quartets with her, her instructor, and another of the said instructor students. I will then resume my place on the couch. Thursday morning after having coffee and/or tea, we will leave for Memphis. We might be getting lessons in the afternoon. After lunch and maybe dinner (Dan might take us out?) we shall meet up with the rest of the studio and head for the workshop. What we'll be doing there, I don't know. I'm being pressured in entering the Strauss concerto in the competition. Who knows, I might?

Quote of the day: "I want your bod."-Mrs. Gregory's board

My weekend.

February 21 2006

So I didn't really do anything this weekend other than sit on my computer and be a nerd. I want to go to a coffee house this week and pretend to be all cool with my computer and look like I'm in a study mode or something. (Me study? ah!)

Um, pretty sure that I was just about to type something but then I forgot...


February 19 2006
So I'm single again.


February 17 2006
So now I have nothing to do while I'm at school so I've come back.