Yay for Southeast Horn Workshop!!!

February 21 2006

So my parents are letting me go! I'm so excited.

Since this is the week of my spring break, Abby has it planned all out. I shall leave on Tuesday in order to arrive at her house and play some cool horn duets all evening. I will sleep on her couch that night. The next morning I will accompany her to school where I will be undercover as "the new guy" to scare the unsusbecting civilians. They will go "oh no, there's another one!" During the day, I will be playing with the band class, as well as playing more duets when Abby is not attending her classes. I will come during the lunch time and bring Chinese food for the eating. Wednesday evening, it is said that I shall drive to Jackson with Ms. Abby to play quartets with her, her instructor, and another of the said instructor students. I will then resume my place on the couch. Thursday morning after having coffee and/or tea, we will leave for Memphis. We might be getting lessons in the afternoon. After lunch and maybe dinner (Dan might take us out?) we shall meet up with the rest of the studio and head for the workshop. What we'll be doing there, I don't know. I'm being pressured in entering the Strauss concerto in the competition. Who knows, I might?

Quote of the day: "I want your bod."-Mrs. Gregory's board