yay for birthdays!

May 18 2006

So thanks to everyone who called/commented/messaged me a happy birthday, and to those of you whom sympathized with me about Tori.

So I found out today that I might be moving to Memphis at the end of June. GASM!!! The end of freaking June! So close is the end of my time as a kid, and approaches the beginning of my adulthood. I can't wait though, it will be a lot of fun being able to go there, learn my way around and not have to worry about school yet; sad because I wanted to spend time with people longer, but that's life.

Band concert @ 7!!!

Beth Farrar

May 18 2006


May 19 2006
I so didn't remember your birthday till this morning, but then it was too late! I hope you had an awesome birthday! Danny


May 20 2006
oh yeh haha that boy is just one of my best friends. haha but yeh he is very cute . haha