And it's finally over..

January 14 2007
So my first weekend of working at Easter Seals camp is finally over. And I have to say it's one of the best decisions I could have ever made. I learned SO much in just a couple of days. My patience, strength, and compassion were all stretched just a little farther. It was certainly a drain on my physical strength. I did everything from lift campers out of bed, help give them shower and dress them, to taking some on nature walks, to leading a few games, to a 2 hour dance, to scrubbing down a cabin with bleach.  I even learned how to count to 12 in Russian with UNO cards!! All of the counselors hit the floor at 6:30 and didn't get into bed until about 11 at the earliest. It doesn't seem like a whole lot, but it's a long day with little to no rest or sitting down. And yet every single moment was worth it. I've got a little more paperwork to do and then I'm officially on staff for every month's respite and summer if I want. Although the job will probably put me away from home all summer during the weekdays I can't wait for it. It's hard to explain how much this weekend impacted me. Most of it was made up in the little moments that maybe didn't really mean anything to anyone but me. Rather it was a campers smile or a hug or just a statement. It changed me, and God taught me a lot through this opportunity. I can't wait to go back next month!!