or not...

December 28 2006

ok so let's correct that last thing i said. i'm not comfortable with it, yet. i'm trying really hard to be. and up until today i was. and now, not so much. there are some things that are perfectly fine and i have no complaints about. one rather new thing in particular. but then there is so much that just frustrates me. today was, insane, to say the least. i went thru a rollercoaster ride of emotions and hid them all. i saw 3 different people and dealt with 3 different situations. in some aspects it was a good day. in others, well, i'll get back to you on that one. idk. i've discovered things are usually either way more or way less complex than i make them out to be. this is one of those way more times. 

i'm about ready to get back to Lee. I deal with certain things and people better from a distance. Although there are a couple people I'll definetely miss a whole lot when I go back I need to get away from all the unnecessary drama again too...