Hall Decorating..the job that never ends...

November 29 2006

I ended up decorating until about 4 AM. I had every thought of going to bed at 1:30 but then I got caught up in uprooting a bush, duct taping it back together, decorating it w/fishing lures and cheese scented fake worms and stringing pork rinds among other things. Even after hours of work we still have most of one hallway and the lounge left to do.  I got up around 8 and finished my english paper, went to class for 10 mins to turn it in and now I'm back at here. In a few minutes I get the lovely job of going to Hobby Lobby to argue w/someone about how they didn't give us a bag of stuff we paid for, and then I get to pick up final things we forgot from Big Lots. Once I get back here more decorating until Andrea gets out of class so we can head off to the junk yard. These are the fun things I get to do since I don't have classes....I really just wanna go back to bed!