Things in perspective....

November 09 2006
God has taught me a good lesson this week.....

I love how things can get put into a new perspective. That has definetely happened in the last day or so.
This week has not been a very good week...actually it's been the worst week I've had in LONG time. Everything that could have gone wrong has. Here's just a bit of it....I tried to loft my bed on tuesday, it fell off ON me. We had to forfeit our first soccer game. Yesterday morning I fell OUT of the bed about 5 feet to the floor. I burnt myself on the straightner and lost a contact. After class I fell down about half of the staircase in the education building. I'm over my head in homework and observation hours and tests that keep coming, and all these deadlines are coming soon. This has just not been my week.

In the middle of all the chaos yesterday I started 30 hour famine, which is something a lot of us here on campus are doing this week. At first I didn't really want to, but had already signed up and figured I might as well. I decided since I was doing this I might as well read the book Fed Up about 30 hour famine. WOW, did it put things into perspective. I read some of the statistics on world hunger, and how many of those are children. It's ridiculous.

Here's an example: More than 840 million people in the world are malnourished. Of those 840, more than 153 million of those are children under the age of 5.

So, I've got about 5 hours left in this thing, and I have to admit it's hard. Nothing but water for 30 hours. But how many people out there go for DAYS like this? I can't even begin to imagine how horrible it would be to be in a situation like that.

So like I said,God showed me a lot. Yea, I fell out of the bed, but at least I have a bed to fall out of. And yes, I made a wonderful trip down the staircase that I wasn't too happy about taking, but at least I can afford to be going to college where I have the simple opportunity to fall down the stairs....

I'm really glad I did it now. God just really made me realize how much I have, how much we all have, that we don't even think twice about that some people would kill for. I'm blessed FAR beyond what I deserve!