First day of classes

August 23 2006
So college is pretty flippin great so far! I actually really like it here. I'm glad I jumped out of my little comfort zone of Murfreesboro! I'm taking 17 hours this semester, and I'm looking foward to just about every class except math. I have a special education class I'm super excited about. English seems like it'll be pretty good too. I find out how the rest of my classes are gonna be tomorrow. I've met a ton of really cool people. My roommate and suitmates are awesome! The only thing I haven't enjoyed is being told my every teacher here how I'm going to meet the love of my life in every place you can think of, the registration line, a service project, bible class, etc. But so far college is turning out to be the best decision I've ever made. I'll write some more about it later. Right now I'm headed out with my roommate to go meet some really random people.