Update on the sickness...yes, again

July 13 2006

So I guess if I'm learning anything from being sick it's that God is teaching me to be patient. I decided to look up the definition and it couldn't fit my situation better.

Patient: Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness.

 I went back to the doctor for like the millionth time today about why I still don't feel much better. Thankfully the gall bladder inflammation is almost gone, and my pancreas is getting better. And since those two things are starting to clear up she was able to find the current problem which is a result of the other two older problems. I have a duodenal ulcer. She said it wasn't too awful, it's not bleeding yet which is good. She gave me some stuff for that and hopefully it'll work, but I'm lookin at 2 months for a recovery rate on this on top of everything else that's healing.