Crazy Day!!

May 13 2006
So today has been slightly insane. This was my last day of high school, and considering that, I did really good. I only cried at the middle of 1st period, the end of 5th period, and as I left school. Which for me, is pretty good. Then I went to a wedding, and watched one of my friends who isn't even 18 yet get married to the guy she's been dating since 8th grade. Cried again. And then after that I went out to dinner with a friend and such. That was by far the best part of the night....for various reasons. but yea. Really enjoyed tonight. It's nice to kinda be stress free for once. Graduation in 8 days!

Drew Mitchell

May 13 2006
It was good to see you Thursday night. I haven't seen you in a really long time. Too bad we didn't get to talk. So are you and Gracie gonna be roomates at Lee?? ~ Drew

Drew Mitchell

May 13 2006
Thanks. I've gotten so many compliments from people about us looking really cute together and lots of them are from people I work with that don't even know her. ~ Drew