Update on life...

April 30 2006

SO! prom and districts FAF were this weekend. Fine arts was extremely stressful, but well worth it. Our large human video is advancing to nationals! That means I get to spend my 18th birthday in Orlando, which makes me pretty happy.  

Prom was insane!!! Rachel and Bridgett did my hair and makeup for me. We sat in Centennial High School's empty gym during the FAF break before ceremony and Rae curled and braided my hair and Bridge went makeup crazy. They were such a big help. I made it to our limo just in time. Went to west end, goofed off, went to prom. Made a complete idiot of myself there, and LOVED it! Only survived after prom for a little while. Got home at 4.

Prom had a few rough spots, but all in all it was fun. FAF was tons of fun competing and hangin out w/some really cool people. So had a good weekend, just too tired for my own good!

I think the things that had me the most stressed out are finally over now! Hopefully if is gonna get a little more enjoyable