
February 06 2006

i got my allowence...finally...and i'm bout to go spend it...i've had it like 2 hours and i'm bout to go buy stuff. i'm such a lame-o.

so...this whole Valentine's thing. i need one. i have Abby Dee...and she has me...but there's that whole gender thing. i'd like to have one of the opposite sex.

everytime you hear Grillz...you should think of me.

iloveyoulikeafatkidlovecake/ Britt

looooooooove...oh sweet love.

February 05 2006

oh how i love my friends. like no...i think you don't understand...they're the best. i want to keep them forever.

my friends could beat up your friends.

i'm having an amazing weekend...until tomorrow when i will be sorely dissapointed because Kyle will be proven right. too bad. my poor Bengals...they could have been in the super bowl. stupid Palmer. gahlee.

maybe i should be one of the "Ben-Gals"...their cheerleaders. their colors are the same as Blackman's. it's a sign.

okay bye.

LOVE/ Britt

mmmmmmm secrets...

February 03 2006

my life is pretty good these days. there's some pretty stinky stuff going on. but that's not what i focus on. i like secrets. i like big fonts. and i like you.

love/ Britt

tension is not for me.

January 30 2006

i'm pretty sure that without music...i would die.

God definately put music in my heart. I'll probably end up doing something with music...but i'm so confused about what i'll do. that whole college thing is kind of foreboding right now. the one thing i don't want to do is put undecided on the application for majors. gross. it's so open and not good for me.

there's definately some tension lately. between me and people...and people and other people...it's just not good. and it needs to end.

if i end up in the hospital...will you come visit me?


January 29 2006

i'm a bad person.

i don't follow directions...ever.

life is moving like crazy fast.

January 28 2006

diggity dang. life moves so fast.

being with mi familia this weekend showed how much things change. my family didn't know who i was...that's what 2 years of not seeing people does. just sitting watching things happen doesn't tell you how fast time moves. it amazes me. in 10 years...i can't even invision what i'll be doing. woah. it's just crazy to me.

all i know is...all i talked about to my family was my friends. i realized how much of an impact ALL of my friends make on my life. most def.

LOVE/ Britt


January 26 2006

this is the wonderful body art...glorious isn't it?

sorry y'all...i got bored...and i took pictures of myself.

this phusebox is glorious. i like it a lot.

i also like surfing. because it's my love.

hey go read a book...preferably Uglies or Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. probably the best books ever. wow. i want to molest them they are so good.

i can do the pancake...and it's so tasty you need syrup.

LOVE/ Britt


January 25 2006

this is tremendous. no more horrid uploading of pictures for xanga!

i'm pretty excited about that...

i have a tatoo. picture to come later.

Hey look! I got a phusebox!

January 23 2006

oh em gee i'm pretty sure this phusebox thing is gonna be confusing.

2 Cor. 4:16

LOVE/ Britt