
April 13 2006

Today's my 18th birthday! I have all kinds of mixed emotions. Graduation is just around the corner. Right after that is college. I'm so excited because I'm going to have a whole new life with lots of new people in it. God has so much planned for me, and I can't wait to see what that is. I'm sad because I know that when the last day of school is gone, I can never go back to high school. Never ever. I can't have these days back again. I'll never be a kid again. Well, I will be at heart but I will never be considered a kid. I'm a…grownup. Wow. I'm happy because I'm moving on in life and I'm going to college. I'm scared because I don't know what to expect. What if I get bad teachers? Or mean ones? What if everything's really really hard and I get a bad GPA….then I can't get into medical school! *sighs* I just have to trust God.

Here's what I did on my birthday…

This morning Jessica called when I was getting ready for school and she was like, "Go look in the back seat of your car." So I ran out there and found a giant card with 18 cakes on the front and on the inside she wrote a really nice note with a bunch of quotes around it. Thanks Jess! I got to eat breakfast on the "celebrate" plate and drink out of my birthday cup. When you pick it up to drink it plays happy birthday! Then of course there was school and the hospital, then a little while after I got home, my mom, Ali, Adam, and I went to Steak and Shake for dinner. Then we went to church. Our fine arts human video group got to perform the human video which was fun. Then we got in our fusion groups and played some nasty games. When the service was over Pastor Gus said, "There's a young lady here who turned 18 today." He called me to come up on stage with him along with anyone else who had an April birthday so the youth group could "sing" to us. Jessica brought me a cake with 18 candles (the 1 and 8, not 18 little candles). Then her and I brought the little cake to Marble Slab. Even though we're going to go to either Dollywood or Six Flags with Hannah and Mehgan when it gets a little warmer (I can't wait!!!) we wanted to spend my actual birthday together too. The ride home was fun. We drove beside each other with our windows down, and we were talking, no, yelling at each other, ha ha.  There's the lights from her car. Well I had a great day and I hope all of you did too. I LOVE YOU GUYS!


April 13 2006
Happy birthday!


April 13 2006
I don't know you, but Happy Birthday! College will be the best experience of your life. As far as teachers are concerned, you can check the MTSU Review before registering for a class to find the best available teacher. The link is Enjoy the rest of your senior year. =)

beth cooper

April 13 2006


April 13 2006
happy birthday love.

Jessica Jo

April 13 2006
I'm so glad you had a good birthday and I'm so glad I was there to share it with you. I love you more than anything.

Super Ste

April 14 2006
hahaha. yay! <br> happy birthday. <3

Aaron Massey

April 15 2006
happy b-day. i would love to let you hear it... sadly.. i can't play an instrument other than drums... so it's just lyrics as of now.. : (


April 16 2006 You can use that website when you're scheduling your classes. About every teacher has past students that posted reviews on them. It'll help a lot when scheduling. Oh, and I went to Blackman too. You'll be fine. Don't think it'll be easy, b/c it's not. But Blackman is, despite gossip, a good highschool and if you're ok there, you'll be fine. Let me know if you need any help with this transitioning thing, ok?