Today was Awesome

July 02 2005
*so things were good. i got 2 extra hours b/c Weston needed me to cover him. yes!

*someone asked me if i was dating John Barron... that one still puzzles me?

*i miss Amber already!!! i'm heartless for the next week! oh well.. i guess i will live..

*i dunno why but twice this week i've been asked about sex before marriage. i guess it's good tho... b/c i want people to trust me enough to ask.

*i must confess... i need patience really bad... i mean... it's bad enough when you're just a team member w/out patience... but when your a team leader... it's worse... b/c people like to drive you nutts... it's like... a hobby for some or whatever.. besides... i think that it shows poor character on my part.

*i'm finally beginning to set myself free of a few things... and it's so nice. i'm learning to talk to people about what's on my heart and how i really feel about stuff.

*God, thank you for a great day. thank you for all people who love me. God, you see how unlovable i am... you see the deepest part of me.. and yet you still show me mercy... you still show me grace. thank you. be w/ my friends... help them to seek you and depend on you. and for any of my friends that may not know you... reveal yourself. Father, help me to be a testimony to them. especially the one that is on my mind. God, help me to love others like you do. give me your heart. use me. in Christ's name. amen.


July 03 2005
I am really trying and its nice to know that you noticed which is a blessing in its own because I know god is doing something in me that is totally awesome have a blessed night

Shannon Barron

July 03 2005
Hey Hope!!! I miss u like crazy and you are so awesome to ME and to most importantly to God. Tell Him everything He wants you to be set FREE from what every you are going through!!! Also that is so funny about some one thinking you and john are dating or something!!! CRAZY!!! I miss you lots!!! BE GOOD!!!! LOL